
Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I caught up with GOFORGOLDIGINLA who is an avid forumer for an interview!


1) When did you join ROBLOX?

October 16th 2010

2) What was the first game you played? Describe it

First game I think I played was 'The 5 Star Hotel' by Sonic, I was a noob back then. It was weird when I first played it (I never played it again :3)

3) What is the largest amount of Robux/Tix you have ever had?

R$ 8,500 Tix 2000

4) Do you usually forum in ROBLOX Talk?

Oyus, I always do: it's awesome! (8,845 posts and counting!)

5) If you had 10,000 Tickets what would you spend it on?

Alot of Shaggys :P

6) What is your favourite gear?

I don't really have one.

7) If you were CEO for the day, what would you add to the site?

No BC, TBC, OBC labels

8) Who is your favourite sportsman? Why?

Jarome Iginla Of the Calgary Flames (NHL) I Used to live there :)

9) What is your favourite food?

Bacon or Pickles!

10) Pancakes... or waffles?

Pancakes FTW!


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Hat Review: Dark Lord

ROBLOX has recently released a new Limited hat named "Dark Lord." The hat, price-wise, isn't that bad, only 250 Robux, and the hat was a pretty good buy profit-wise if you bought it. The prices are rising pretty fast. So lets start the review, shall we?
Dark Lord

Mesh: 7/10
I gave the hat a 7 out of 10 because there isnt much too it, its just a mask and only covers the front of your Avatar's head. Otherwise, its pretty good.
Creativity: 6/10
I gave the hat a 6 out of 10 in Creativity, because it has almost the same mesh, in my opinion, as the Deathfyre Mask, except a different color and a few little spikes on the top of it.
Profit: 10/10
The hat is making pretty nice profit so far, but its only been sold out for a little while, so lets see how it goes.
Thanks guys! Hope you bought the hat :)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Dragonshead Cannon

Hey Guys! Cheesety210 here! Today im here to talk about a new gear, Dragonshead Cannon !

Look:Pretty awesome, in-game it rests on your right shoulder, with an awesome dragon texture, it sticks to the basic dragon colors, pretty common.

Dragonshead Cannon

Action: It shoots fire out, and when it hits the ground, or its target. KABOOM! Big boom boom! Could be a LITTLE more epic, maybe a sound of a dragon breathing!


Mesh (Shape): Now THIS is what i call detail, the head is so detailed it makes my mind want to explode, the teeth, the tounge, EVERYTHING! The only bad part is, is that the scales arn't super detailed. But the head makes up for it!


Price: This is a awesome gear to fight with, but is it REALLY worth 650 R$? I would say YES. You could take out multiple people with this baby and if your holding this, it shows your pretty rich and that you know how to use your tools. Would i buy it, yes! Though it IS a little expensive, it does its job.


Overall:This is a great gear, looks pretty epic, does a pretty good job, and its worth its high cost!


Thanks for reading guys! Email me at,Message me on ROBLOX, or tweet me at @Cheesety210 to talk, or suggest stuff for my next post!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Package Review: Mr. Trololololo

One of my favorite packages this month is Mr. Trololololo. It's priced at R$500 and, like all other packages, is BC-only. This package is designed to make you look like a troll. It also comes with a hat designed to look like a troll's head.

Mr. Trololololo

Mesh: 10/10

The shape of this package is just amazing. The head is well done and very realistic. The body is well done, with excellent details, and skulls on the shoulders. There are so many incredible small details.

Texture: 10/10

The texture is also excellently done. The skulls on the shoulders look very realistic and are just amazing. The troll's body and clothes are just well done as well. There is also a lot of incredible small details with this texture. 

Style: 10/10

Mr. Trololololo just looks excellent on anyone. It makes for the perfect troll costume, and is amazing. There are many hats you can combine with Mr. Trololololo to make your troll look even better! It's a good deal at R$500 and is definitely one of the best packages in the catalog. If you really want a cool costume for your Robloxian, I would definitely recommend getting Mr. Trololololo.

Overall: 10/10

Realistic mesh and texture
Many excellent small details
Looks great on a Robloxian
Perfect troll costume
Good price
Comes with a matching hat

There are no cons with this hat

Follow me on Twitter, I'm NonstopEpicRBLX. I'll tweet you about upcoming catalog reviews and anything else related to Roblox.

Hat Review: Bluesteel Domino Crown

So, today I decided to take a look at a version one of the most-wanted hats in all of history, the Bluesteel Domino Crown.

Mesh: 9/10

The recognisable mesh proves to be one of the most popular around, it fits neatly around the character head, and looks stylish and elegant too.

Texture: 7/10

The texture is part of one of the popular textures around, bluesteel. It's a tad overused, but it gives a nice effect and proves to look classic, instead of a simple recolour..

Originality: 2/10

Yep, another domino retexture, this brings the number of Domino Crowns up to 3. Yes, 3. It seems to be getting a bit old now, maybe something new and fresh would have been better.

Price: 2/10

If you wanted to buy this hat, you would have had to fork out 25,000 ROBUX to buy this. Very expensive to risk on something that came out of a gift, but to those who did buy it, it turned out to be worth it for most.

Overall: 6/10

I have to give this 6/10 mainly because the Domino Crown hats have become a bit overused now, it was nice when there was just one, but now there are many different versions. But nonetheless, this IS a domino crown, so all things considered, this was a great buy.


Have a Question? Follow me on Twitter @Rob498RBLX

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Place Review 1/23/2012: Laser Tag

Laser Tag ~ Six New Maps!
I recently started to get into writing more reviews, so I decided to take the challenge and do six place reviews every week, outrageous? We'll find out the answer after all six reviews have been published, I will tell you if it was hard at the sixth review.

So, as every week, I begin by reviewing the thumbnail. This is the most important part of any place because it shows what the game is going to be about and what it's been named. Apparently, this game has been named with a simple name, "Laser Tag." Not bad, but maybe a much more exciting name? It's just that the name "Laser Tag" becomes a bit dull after seeing the name for many months. The scenery is just a map that was created by a user which was given credit by Stickmasterluke. Also, I forgot to mention that Stickmasterluke created this entire place with user-made maps, but does give credit for all of them, which is outstanding.

We enter this game and find us in a lobby on top of a platform colored of the team we are on, either Red or Blue. Both basic team colors I should add, which is good. We find ourselves separated from the opposing team so nobody has to cause trouble. Also, weapons have been disabled during Intermission so nobody can kill anyone else either from their own team, or on the opposing team. This place has obviously been planned out, which is a common thing that Stickmasterluke does, it's just the way he rolls. Our round begins, a map is chosen and we're all teleported to the map stated before.

We enter a random map created by a user which again was given credit for by Stickmasterluke. We take our laser gun out and we begin. You are denied of shooting thousands of times because that is unrealistic, thanks to Stickmasterluke. You may only shoot once every time your laser gun reloads. The sound when a laser gun shoots is from a game created by Stickmasterluke that was also related to lasers, forgot the name though. My team lost before one minute even went by. So, Righteous Red won this round. The round ends and the game prepares itself to start a new round.

I did leave out a few minor details, but they are worth talking about anyway. So, while playing, you see a GUI on top with both team's points and the time remaining in the round. There's also a GUI below saying "Folder," this just shows you your statistics from your overall game experience.

Scripting: 10/10, there are countless scripts found inside this very game and more are added every now and then, great job.
Tools: 10/10, all the necessary tools are provided in here.
Building: 10/10, all maps are made by other users, but they are great maps, and again, were given credit.
Community Enjoyment: 10/10, countless users enjoy this game, as did I.
Originality: 3/10, not too original, I've seen so many Laser Tag games.
Creativity: 10/10, very creative.
 Deals with Problems: 10/10, no problems have been found to this date.
Reviewer's Experience with Lag: 10/10, no lag was experienced because I have a pretty fast computer.
Difficulty: Medium, it's pretty neutral because it might be easy for pros hard for newbies. So, Medium.
Reviewer's Enjoyment: 10/10, enjoyed this game very much.
Reviewer's Recommendation: 10/10, highly recommend this game to anyone who is familiar to Stickmasterluke's games or anyone who wants to learn more of his game creating style.

Overall: 10/10, his game inspires many users. His place deserves a ten, no denial.

Follow my Twitter for daily updates on what I'm doing or to chat with me for a bit. Here's the game I reviewed, if you'd like to play it to see for yourself if it's so great. Thanks for reading this very detailed review with many long and intelligent words that you might've never seen before. Finally, since it's still Winter, I decided to continue leaving this picture in my posts. Come Spring, I'll change it. I recently discovered that this post has possibly broken the record of longest post on RN. Also, check out the official RNPlaceReviews Twitter, follow it to get updated on everything related to Place Reviews!


ROBLOX Chair Racing Review.

Swivel chairs are awesome. Whether you're twirling around in circles, being unsafe and using them to hang something up, or if you're making an impenetrable fortress. Everyone loves swivel chairs. This place however uses swivel chairs in a way that has rarely been used. Chair races.
Gameplay 7/10
The basic goal of the game is to get your chair from one side of the map to the other before the other player does. This may seem easy but it's not. On the way you and other players can get items that can make you go faster or impede other player's progress. However, there are a few problems. In a few levels when you go uphill it is almost impossible to go up the slope if you had to stop. This wastes precious seconds where you back up and get a running start again. The gameplay isn't really that bad, just a bit glitchy.
Effort 10/10
There are tons of brilliantly made maps. You might not know this but racing maps need to be smooth so that the car doesn't get messed up at sharp turns by bumping into bricks. The scripting also proves that effort was put into this place
Creativity 10/10
I've never seen a chair racing place that went to this level. There have been other racing places but they never really worked out that well.
Overall 9/10
  • More maps
  • Fix ramps
  • Don't make landmines kill you, just slow you down a bit.
  • Add a ketchup map. I'm hungry.
If you want your place reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about your place! I'll be glad to give you ideas on your place and help make it better. Also, if you find a place that is absolutely awful and on the front page send me a PM and I might make a RANT about it!

Also, you should follow me on twitter even if you don't have a RANT or review request! Sometimes I invite my followers to go to places with me to help review them.

Follow @RNPlaceReviews on Twitter to get up to date on future reviews, contests, and more! That account is shared between me and Refreshingwater, follow it now!

Reviewed Place: Roblox Chair Racing
Reviewed by: Banjobug

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chinese New Year Items!

Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

To celebrate the Chinese New Year festival, ROBLOX produced 5 new items and made another item Limited, all of which can be purchased from the catalog. The items are as follows:

Year of the Dragon Lantern

Year of the Dragon Lantern

This is a Limited U gear sold for R$200 with 2012 copies available. It is now averaging at about R$700 from private sellers. This is a brilliant gear for it's original price and the dragon insignia on the front looks great. The Year of the Dragon Lantern protects your character with swirling dragon spirits which will usually kill your opponent with 1 hit.

Dragon's Breath Potion 

Dragon's Breath Potion

This is a Limited U gear sold for R$1000 with 500 copies available. It is now averaging at about R$1400 from private sellers. This gear also features a golden dragon across the front of it and adds a mystical sense to the item. The Dragon's Breath Potion does what it says on the tin and user gain the ability to breath fire for a limited duration.

Dragonshead Cannon

Dragonshead Cannon

This is a gear item currently on sale for R$650. This gear fires the 'heads of lesser dragons'. It's extremely detailed carving of a dragon's head in the mesh really stands out to me.

Dragonstein The Guardian

Drachenstein The Guardian

This is a BC only gear item currently on sale for R$1000. It may not be as detailed as the Dragonshead Cannon but it is a pretty cool as the actual mesh has an animation when used. The wings on the Dragon flap as it flies close to its owner, attacking anyone who goes near.

Red Dragon Princess Disguise 

Red Dragon Princess Disguise

This is a BC only hat currently on sale for R$100. This is a great hat for all the girls (and boys) that want to celebrate the Chinese New Year as it is both stylish and affordable.

Hat of the Week: Year of the Tiger Dragon

Hat of the Week: Year of the Tiger Dragon

This is a hat that was sold two years ago to celebrate the Chinese Year of the Tiger. It is now Limited and being sold by private sellers for around R$2000. If you've got the money and collect Chinese New Year items, I would suggest buying it.


Place Review 1/24/12: NEW Cabin Hangout 4.0

✖ NEW Cabin Hangout 4.0 ✖
At first glance, this place looks amazing and well built and majorly realistic. Does this place even need a review? It's so great, but I'll review it anyway. So, there's no need for thumbnail review due to the fact on how good it is.

When I entered this place, my first thought was "This looks nice." I entered the cabin expecting a lot, and that's just what I was supplied with. The cabin's interior is professionally designed as if it were designed by an Interior Designer of some sort. It's impressive on what our fellow Robloxians are capable of doing. I climbed some stairs and found a couch with an interesting view of the waterfall and the landscape surrounding it. Throughout the entire cabin, it's set to look more like a house than a cabin.

There's not many majorly interesting things inside the two-story cabin besides that area with the view of the landscape. What really caught my eye was what was in the river. At first glance, I assumed it was a prop that was immobile, but I was dead wrong. It turned out to be a bear in the river, which is very mobile. This bear follows your character everywhere, only in water, of course. I didn't discover this until I explored the river until I found a dead end, which I did. I returned and saw the bear following me and doing the exact same movements my character was doing. This was starting to get a bit creepy, which makes the game a bit more less interesting.

This game has no objective or anything else. It's just a place to hangout with friends and play sports. I wouldn't recommend playing the sports because most of the ball tools are broken or are a bit weird. This game can be played by anyone and it's pretty cool. It's more of an RPG than a hangout. But, it can be both depending on what you expect in a game. There's not too much to say about this game other than it's just a hangout for friends. Also, there are a few minor details that I found weren't too important to this review as much.

Scripting: 10/10, there's not that many scripts, but the bear following you makes the game a bit eerie and makes it cool. So, just that bear gets the place a 10/10 on scripting.
Tools: 10/10, all the necessary tools have been supplied to enjoy your stay at the Cabin.
Building: 11/10, it's not possible to give one point over capacity, but I decided to anyway because this place is very superb and deserves one extra credit point.
Community Enjoyment: 10/10, countless users enjoy hanging out with their friends.
Originality: 2/10, I've seen many places that are hangouts.
Creativity: 10/10, majorly creative.
Deals with Problems: 8/10, maybe fix the decals a bit more because you can see a black line on the outer edges of the decals, which is not good.
Reviewer's Experience with Lag: 10/10, no lag was experienced during game play.
Difficulty: 0/10, nothing is hard in here, it's just a hangout.
Reviewer's Enjoyment: 10/10, I enjoyed it very much regardless that I played this by myself.
Reviewer's Recommendation: 10/10, would recommend to anyone who is willing to spend their time hanging out with friends on Roblox.

Overall: 10/10, a very amazing game exceeds expectations and deserves a ten.

Recently, I've been receiving feedback from users who will remained unnamed to protect privacy. But, some people say things like "Oh you gave that guy a 10 because...". Let me explain to you RN readers, I'm not picking sides, I rate the game higher if I like what I saw, lower if I disliked what I saw. I'm not picking sides. Please use my Twitter to receive any information from me about RN, I'd appreciate it. 


Tutorial - How to make your retextures more appealing

This article is a "follow on" to a previous post. To go to the previous post, click "Here"

A common question that is given to me is, "How can I make my retextures more "Appealing"?". The answer is, Many. Many people have misconceptions on what makes a retexture good,

Firstly, If you already have an idea for a retexture, think up designs in your head, but think about what would other people like. For example... Most people like Dragons, Fire, and others. It's always good to do a bit of research into previous hats (Checking the favourites and buys of each of the hats you find) But please realise that fedoras and dominus' aren't the only popular hats.
Just look in hats and search something like "Dragons" "Unicorns" or what ever people may be in to.

After looking at a few hats myself, I stumbled upon this beauty...
Feared Skull of All Eternity's Doom
The Feared Skull Of All Eternity's Doom

Now, It doesn't take that much to think, "lets change it to a water/ice/grass (etc.) skull" and then just change the hue to a blue or green.

But changing the color doesn't really work when doing a retexture, It takes much more than just changing the color to make it appealing. It takes a brave man to use a google image, but it takes a braver man to add it to the workings of a retexture. Now, the hat you have is ready for retexturing, look at how you may be able to make it appealing.

It's useful to use gradients. It can easily give an example of lighting, and shading. Also, It's is commonly suggested that people who use google images are "Fail Retexturers". Just ignore that. As long as you Incorporate it into the texture.

Now, keeping that in mind, add it to the texture and you should get something that looks a bit like this.

Red skull of Evil
And it should fit on the mesh like so.

And it should look quite appealing to the viewer of it.

Don't leave it to chance, it's "ok" to use google images, just don't go overboard with it. Otherwise, it can sometimes look over worked, and particularly ugly.

I hope you found this tutorial useful.
Got a question? Ask me on twitter: @IBarrageI


Monday, January 23, 2012

Hat Review: Order of the Golden Crest

The Order of the the Golden Crest is a new hat that was just recently released. It costs R$550 and is a regular hat. (It's not Limited, nor is it BC-only.) Here is the review.
Order of the Golden Crest
Mesh: 7/10

The shape of this hat is okay. To me, it looks a bit similar to past hats, such as the Spiked Helm of Shining Righteous Truth. The front part is great, it fits perfectly over your face. The rest of the shape is pretty plain.

Texture: 9/10

Unlike the mesh, the texture is just amazing. It's very realistic, and looks like the hat is really made out of gold! The Order of the Golden Crest definitely is one of the most realistic hats this week.

Style: 8/10
This hat will work well if you are creating a warrior costume. Just wear this with some cool knight armor and you look like a real knight! However, you might get tired of wearing this hat due to it's plain mesh. Still, it's a good addition to those who want to make a knight costume. 

Overall: 8/10

From here on, I'm adding to my reviews pros and cons. At the end of each review, I will summarize all of the good things and the problems about the hat reviewed.

Front of mesh fits your face perfectly
Texture is amazing and well done
Great for making a knight costume

Most of the mesh is plain
You might get tired of the hat
It is not worth R$550, and should be around R$350-R$450

Follow me on Twitter, I'm NonstopEpicRBLX. I'll tweet you about upcoming catalog reviews and anything else related to Roblox.

#2 Video Place Review - Paintball! by Daxter33.

This week I decided to do another video review. I've been pretty busy lately and pretty sick too. So, here it is, the second video review, enjoy.

Scripting: 10/10
Tools: 10/10
Building: 10/10
Community Enjoyment: 10/10
Originality: 2/10
Creativity: 2/10
Deals with Problems: 8/10
Reviewer's Experience with Lag: 10/10
Reviewer's Difficulty: 0/10 - Easy
Reviewer's Enjoyment: 10/10
Reviewer's Recommendation: 10/10

Overall: 10/10

As stated in the video, I don't feel like giving a reason why for the Rating, sorry. Subscribe to the channel for more Video Reviews! Also, as mentioned in the video, no one will get their prizes from the Winter Building contest because nobody tweeting me or Banjobug recently. Just two people... So, next time, we'll try a different approach. Follow @RNPlaceReviews on Twitter.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gear Review: Protest: ROBLOXians Against SOPA

On January 18th, 2012, many sites did various things to show they were against SOPA. Some sites "blacked out" to show people what it would be like if SOPA will be passed. ROBLOX released for that day only a new protest sign saying, "Robloxians Against SOPA". Originally, Telamon was going to publish a protest sign retexture by a user, but later decided just to make a new one by the admins. Here are some protest signs RN fans/staff made.

Protest Sign: Stop Internet Censorship
A protest sign by coldmillionare, a Roblox News fan.
Stop SOPA [ ORIGINAL ] [ Telamon Took ]
Another protest sign by BillCheesey5, a Roblox News fan.
Protest Sign: Say NO To SOPA
An excellent protest sign by our assistant editor, IBarrageI.
 Stop SOPA!
A great protest sign by david3435, a Roblox News fan.
SOPA Protest Sign
Another great protest sign by blox1957, a Roblox News fan.
Now, here is the review.
Protest: ROBLOXians Against SOPA
Mesh: 8/10
This is the classic protest sign mesh used before on previous protest signs. It's very simple, and realistic.
Texture: 9/10
It's a great texture, and was well made. It clearly states that Roblox and most of it's players are against SOPA. It's well done, and looks nice.
Ability: 7/10
When you use it in-game, you hear shouting and anger, as if you were really protesting. It's good, but can get boring after a while. A fun thing to do with this protest sign is to bring it to a place and have a giant protest rally with the other users.
Overall: 8/10

Follow me on Twitter, I'm NonstopEpicRBLX. I'll tweet you about upcoming catalog reviews and anything else related to Roblox.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Updates From Refreshingwater: 2012

Obviously, I'm Refreshingwater, I have a few updates to reveal in monthly order. These updates might be removed or changed, none of these are permanent. Please don't get mad if I change a few of these or don't do them. All updates will be announced in a new post by me. More things will be added, but not shown here.

February 2012 - New contest, new post frequency, more Video Place Reviews.
March 2012 - New ratings, longer posts, better posts, something Easter related.
April 2012 - Classified information, sorry.
May 2012 - Attempt in doing 3 posts a week, Cinco De Mayo Contest?
June 2012 - Attempt in doing 5 posts a week, more Video Reviews, post/video on how I think of the places I review.
July 2012 - Christmas Gifts as a part of "Christmas in July."
August 2012 - Back to School Contest? Back to School means less reviews.
September 2012 - Something cool with Banjobug.
October 2012 - Halloween based reviews/posts from me.
November 2012 - Unknown
December 2012 - Unknown, this means, I don't know yet.

Remember, these might be changed and will be announced when possible.

Happy Birthday David Baszucki!

Today is David Baszucki's Birthday. David, AKA Builderman is the founder and CEO of the ROBLOX Corporation. From all the Roblox News Staff and me, I'd like to wish him a very Happy Birthday!

Without David we wouldn't have ROBLOX, we wouldn't have the wonderful site we love, we wouldn't have our creative sandbox, I wouldn't have met any of the great users I am now good friends with and there wouldn't be Roblox News!

David Baszucki has recently made a new twitter account @DavidBaszucki, follow him right away!



Bargain of the week: Winter Bowler!

Yes, I had doubts if the time would ever come, but indeed, the Winter Bowler has finally sold out! The retexture was created by BCGames. The Winter Bowler is actually a pretty nice retexture, with a cool icy colour - see what I did there? It fits perfectly with the winter season with the snowflakes too! What ruined the hat was its hefty price tag and the number of copies available. At around R$100-200, and 500 copies, it would have made reasonable profit.

If you wanted the hat, but had seconds thoughts because it was out of your price range; now is the perfect time to buy it. With private seller's prices hovering between R$290-350, you are getting a huge discount on the original price!

So, for a fraction of the original (3/10) you get a pretty cool retexture with a nice colour scheme! Bargain!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Community Article: Fashionable Contraption Hat Review

Today I will be reviewing the "Fashionable Contraption" hat.

Mesh: I think the mesh is very well made, with cool-looking tools protruding out of the front. The top hat part is also very well made, because the shape of it actually looks like a real-life tophat. Although, the tools should really look like a hammer, or a mini-axe. 9/10

Texture: The texture looks very bland. The top hat part is just brown, with a tiny bit of detail. And the tools are just silver-grayish, and, again, have very little detail. 3.7/10

How well does it fit on your robloxian?: It kind of just sits on top of your head like a top hat should, but a tiny bit of the top of your head is exposed at the sides. 8.9/10

Hat combo possiblities: If you wear this hat with the Rainbow Shaggy, it appears to look like there is a rainbow band on the top hat. And, if you wear it with a normal Shaggy, it looks like you have hair growing underneath. 5/10

Overall: I give this hat an overall rating of 8.89763425/10. It's got a great mesh, and fits on your ROBLOXian's head nicely.

This Community Article was provided by BillCheesey5. 


New Limited: Grim Glow!

A couple of days ago, Roblox published a new hat retexture called Grim Glow. This is a retexture of the classic hat known as The Riddling Skull. For those who don't know, The Riddling Skull was a hat prize you could earn in October of 2008. This retexture was made by GeckoGuy456. It was originally BC-only and is LimitedU. 300 copies were sold each for R$1,000.
Grim Glow
Mesh: 10/10
This is the classic Riddling Skull mesh from 2008. It looks great and is very realistic. The mesh is just simply perfect, and there are no mistakes with it whatsoever.
Texture: 10/10
The texture is a mix between black, white, and green. I can tell that GeckoGuy456 spent a lot of time on the texture to get it to look perfect. It simply is marvelous. This skull really looks like it is glowing.
Style: 10/10
Grim Glow just looks excellent on anyone. It really is a great hat, and is a great retexture of The Riddling Skull.
Overall: 10/10

This is a great hat to make profit off. It is currently selling around R$2,500 to R$3,000. If you got this hat at R$1,000, you can make R$2,000 off of it! If you didn't get this hat when it was R$1,000, I would be careful about buying it now. It has currently been selling at R$3,000 for a while now and hasn't gone up or done. If you want to buy this hat because it will cool on your Robloxian, try to get it for less than R$3,000. Rather than waiting for someone to sell it below R$3,000, talk with some of the users on the Let's Make a Deal Forum, and see if they are willing to sell it below R$3,000.

Overall, this is an excellent retexture and a great LimitedU to make profit off.

Follow me on Twitter, I'm NonstopEpicRBLX.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA and PIPA: Roblox News' stance

SOPA and it's sister bill PIPA are proposed legislation that could seriously damage the internet we know and love today. Stop Online Piracy Act - SOPA could effectively censor anything on the internet, including foregin websites. It means that websites with accused of using copyrighted materials could receive heavy fines or be shut down for good.

- Sites can be shutdown for a single piece of 'offending' content
- Judges choose what should be taken down

SOPA would do away with freedom of speech and would break the first amendment Most of it's support comes from large businesses that are interested in their own profits, but do not care about small websites and users who will be crippled by the bill.

The ROBLOX Corporation have already stated that they are against the bill, exclaiming that it would destroy the creativity of its users and seriously reduce their capabilities also crippling the game developers and reducing their pay.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

File:Martin-Luther-King-1964-leaning-on-a-lectern.jpgHappy Martin Luther King Day! This day occurs on the third Monday of January every year and has been celebrated since January 20, 1986. It marks the Birthday of a great man who spoke up for the black people of America, demanding equal rights and treatment to the whites. Pursuing non-violent methods, Martin Luther King was a very important figure in the ending of racial discrimination. He was both an influential man and great public speaker, who brought freedom to millions of blacks. Sadly, Martin Luther King was assassinated, April 4, 1968.

Every year on ROBLOX, the MLK Cap is put on sale to celebrate the holiday. Printed on the front, are the words: 'I have a dream..' taken from his famous speech which was delivered in public on August 28, 1963.

The MLK Cap is just R$15, so get yours today!



Saturday, January 14, 2012

Giant Claw Machine RANT Review

Have any of you ever seen those claw machines in stores? I remember when I was younger I always wanted to use one of those but my parents never did. One day they finally let me do it. I was absolutely overjoyed, as you can probably guess I failed miserably. It was utterly disappointed. I'm just as disappointed in this place.
Gameplay 5/10
The gameplay is simple enough, there are two teams. The Controllers and the Runners. The controllers control the claw machine and tried to capture the runners that were inside of it. There are however, a lot of flaws in the gameplay. There is only one way to control the claw and there are normally a lot of controllers. Basically, around 3-5 controllers are fighting over the controls and the runners can just stand there and do nothing and still win. That is the most frustrating part about this game and is what ultimately cripples it.
Effort 7/10
The scripts are decent enough but most of the bricks and terrain is flat and boring.
Creativity 5/10
After searching for Claw Machine in places I got 5 pages of results. This game has been thought up numerous times in the past.
Overall 5.5/10
  • Make it so only one person is controller at a time.
  • Add insane chickens inside the claw machine
  • Give me a taco.
If you want your place reviewed simply contact Banjobug on twitter or send me a private message on ROBLOX. The next post could be about your place! I'll be glad to give you ideas on your place and help make it better. Also, if you find a place that is absolutely awful and on the front page send me a PM and I might make a RANT about it!

Also, you should follow me on twitter even if you don't have a RANT or review request! Sometimes I invite my followers to go to places with me to help review them.

Follow @RNPlaceReviews on Twitter to get up to date on future reviews, contests, and more! That account is shared between me and Refreshingwater, follow it now!

Reviewed Place: The Giant Claw Machine
Reviewed by: Banjobug

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Featured Retexture: Hood of the Redcliff Seer!

Hood of the Redcliff Seer

The Hood of the Redcliff Seer is a really sweet retexture I found when browsing the ROBLOX website. The retexture was produced by a user named BloxFlakes. I really like the old tan colour scheme and golden lining. It really does fit in with the Redcliff medieval/fantasy theme with its iconic crimson symbol in the centre of the design. It is perfect for any aspiring seer or wizard!

 Why not take it and put it in a Redcliff themed place?


ROBLOX looking for new Building and Scripting writers for the ROBLOX Wiki!

Just yesterday, ReeseMcBlox made an announcment on Twitter telling users ROBLOX will be looking for volunteers to write posts based on building on scripting for the official ROBLOX Wiki.

She will be looking for some of ROBLOX's finest users, to write articles, tutorials, and more. She said they will be looking for roughly a dozen people to join the Wiki, so places are limited.

Think you've got what it takes to become a writer for the ROBLOX Wiki?

Follow this link for instructions on how you can apply:

Note: You must be aged 13 years or more.

Good luck!

Have a question? Follow me on Twitter @Rob498RBLX

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

ROBLOX: Coming to the iPad!

1 Hour ago, David Baszucki (Builderman) - the CEO of ROBLOX tweeted this:

 This means the ROBLOX developers are hard at work at making ROBLOX games playable on the iPad. This would represent a huge step in technological advancement and success. He also mentioned in a later tweet that the demo ran at 10 Fps. It's one thing making it playable on a different operating system, but on a device that runs iOS - Apple's Mobile Operating System, it is a great leap forward. One year ago, no one would have dreamt that it would be possible for ROBLOX to be played on the iPad, but here we are!

In today's age, technology development is accelerating at a incredible pace; with amazing devices that once appeared in distant Sci-fi movies showing up on shop shelves and being sold in the millions. David does mention that there is no release date, but there is a possibility that it will be shipped this year. So, look out for more info from his twitter @DavidBaszucki or from the other ROBLOX Staff!



Arb's Hat Reviews: A Dark Omen

A Dark Omen
'A Dark Omen' is a new BC only hat that has been uploaded to the catalog. It is on sale for R$150.

The Mesh 9/10

I really like the mesh on this hat. It reminds me of a plague doctor's mask from hundreds of years ago. The mask shape looks realistic and fits well with cowls and hoods. It received a score of nine because it could have been a bit more spherical, but this a very minor issue.

The Colours 10/10

I believe the colours on this are absolutely beautiful as they suit the theme of the hat and blend extremely well with each other. The beak is my favourite part; with dark, washed out green creating a eerie feel.  

The Texture 10/10

Being the strongest point of the hat, the texture is without doubt a work of art. Both detailed and sinister, the texture really brings the hat to life, figuratively of course. I love the shading on the beak which adds both dark areas and a shine effect. The fur texture at the top is also very detailed, and if you look carefully you can make out some kind of wolf face right in the middle. Intentional or not: it looks sweet. 

The Creativity 8/10

A Dark Omen is quite a creative hat, being the first mask to have proper beak and inspired by a plague doctor. I gave it a score of 8 however, this is because there are already lots of masks available the catalog.

Overall, it's a great buy. If you have the money and have a BC premium account, buy eet!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Community Article: Catalog Heaven Place Review‏

I recognized the name Seranok, as he forums frequently on RT. The aim of the place is to test any gear item you want. You can test your own gear, or pull some from the catalog. You spawn in a little cube (shown in the thumbnail) where you may test gear by yourself, become other players, or go to the battle area. If you wish to pull something from the catalog, there is a very cool GUI that can be accessed by clicking the "Show GUI" button. It shows a very well detailed miniature version of the catalog including every item published by ROBLOX. It even includes the price of each item! To the lower right of the spawn there is a teleport. There you can test your gear on other people. When I entered the battle area, I was spawnkilled by a banhammer. Once I respawned, I went back in and placed a turret before he could kill me. He then insulted me and left the game. Every time I went to the battle area there was someone who spawned and immediately tried to kill everything that moved. Although it became quite frustrating, I could still find ways to outsmart them. Here's a video of my adventures:

The map of the battle area is simple, but it's cool. (PROTIP; The Kami Potion is very effective.) There's even a little sniping area you can use for massive KOs! Many players like to use the Rising Sun Katana in battle. To beat them, you have to get creative. I placed Snowman Turrets while sneaking up on them with the Bat Blade and killing them. There are too many tactics to list here; Why don't you try it yourself? ;)

Gameplay: 10/10
I enjoyed this game very much. It was a great way to come up with new gear fight tactics.
Reviewers Lag: 9/10
There was little to no lag at all.
Problems: 10/10
I experienced no problems.
Building: 10/10
Everything was seamless.
GUI 10/10
All of the GUIs were very simple. Even guests were playing with gear!
Player Enjoyment: 10/10
No negative reviews so far.

OVERALL: 10/10
Great game, I recommend this to everyone. Definitely check out this game if you want to test some items or pwn some n00bs.

Thank you to Explosion101, for another great Community Article! Explosion101 is an excellent writer and could make a fine addition to our team one day!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Logo on Sword Fights on the Heights IV

Sword Fights on the Heights IV

This new logo created by: ninjabart122 is a real improvement to the old screenshot of Sword Fights on the Heights IV. Ninja won the contest on the Ironnoob forums which was simply to design a new logo for the place. Telamon said that two characters fighting would be ideal. I think the logo is well designed, making effective use of the shadows at the bottom and the short punchline.

The actual text itself looks really cool and I believe the sword through the middle of it is a nice touch. The two figures illustrate what happens in the game and that there are no prisoners!

Here are some other logos users entered into the contest:

- Designed by Hicup789

 - Designed by thejoker1997


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gear Review: Laservision Shades G3

Now, This gear has been (To some) Overdue. As it has been a commonly suggested gear.

But, is has been worth the wait, as this gear packs a punch.
Take a look at the screenshot below:

You firstly hold down your right button on your mouse, and a ball of energy forms quickly, you then have control of lasers that can freeze an enemy in place as you roast him with the laser you are controlling.

The only fault I have with this gear is that once you are controlling the lasers, you cannot move, meaning you have to release your right mouse button. Though the ball of energy forms quickly, it can be quite inconvenient.

So to round up:
Mesh: 8/10
It is basically a shades mesh edited slightly. Still looks awesome though
Texture: 5/10
The texture is very simple, it has a black frame, and Cyan Lenses. Very appealing.
Ability: 8/10
The ability of this gear is quite literally shocking, It can burn the enemy in less than 5 seconds. though you cannot move while using it. Still awesome though.
Overall: 7/10
For the price of 750R$ I would recommend buying it if you like shades, and lasers. Only if you can afford it.
Got questions? Ask me on twitter: @IBarrageI