
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Realistic GUI Fireworks!! Place Review

This is the first review done with the *NEW* Place Review Queue. It was suggested by Aeroniel. We ask that you please go and submit a form of a place you'd like us to review so that we may bring you place review content more often. Onto the review!

Realistic GUI Fireworks!! is a place created by asimo3089, known best for his place The Original Longest Obby. The game is a simplistic game set in a green valley where the player watches firework shows from the ground or up in a floating camera. There are some straightforward gameplay mechanics, but the main point of the game is to enjoy the show that is being put on.

Okay Effects

For a game all about a fireworks show, you would expect the effects quality to be top-notch, especially with the word "Realistic" in the title. There are currently 4 types of fireworks that are in the game. All that happens when a firework explodes is an expanding picture of a decal and a short burst of light. Even though the effects are better than the traditional fireworks, they were still quite lackluster.  A tad disappointing

No Control, Simple Gameplay

Players can attach themselves to fireworks and get blown up in space to earn points. They then can proceed to spend the points on various items, one of which can be used to kill your friends. Although I admit that it is fun to get blown up on a firework, it becomes rather dull rather quickly. I'd like to see a way to create or control a fireworks show, I think this would dramatically improve the game as far as gameplay goes.


Gameplay 4/10
Scripting: 7/10
Building: 6/10

Overall: 6/10


This place is certainly not bad in any respect, it just lacks features that would have a user coming back again and again. The effects seem underwhelming and the building is not too impressive either. However, the fireworks show is a fun place to mess around with friends for 10 minutes and you all should definitely try it out for yourselves.

Version at the time of review: v1.2


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