
Monday, September 24, 2012

Gear Review: Telamonster: The Chaos Edge

Telamonster: The Chaos Edge

Hello Readers! Today I will be reviewing the brand new and awesome sword, Telamonster: The Chaos Edge! I will break this review down into several parts including Mesh, Texture, Controls & Abilities, Money Value, and Enjoyment! 

Mesh: 9/10
This sword's mesh is VERY detailed with precision on the bottom part. It is a huge and awesome sword. On the bottom it is the casual handle, but seems too small for a sword this big. Next up is the most detailed part. At the bottom there are many spikes in a strange pattern. Even though I can't tell what they are forming or anything, I'll call them the "spikes on spikes". You can really tell whoever made the mesh knows how to make meshes, as I picky me couldn't find a single mistake. Next, the blade. It isn't the most amazing blades of all time, but it is ok because of the texture. In short words, this sword is flawless.

Texture: 10/10
Just like the mesh, so many details are on this sword's texture. The bottom spikes and stuff are carefully detailed with a strange drawing. It looks like some ancient sword of doom or something. The blade has a cool fire thing going on. Also the bottom and the blade have a kind of shiny effect too. I say it is just the perfect texture for an awesome word like this.

Control & Abilities: 10/10
The abilities this sword has are AWESOME! First off, it is a flaming sword. There are 4 things you can do with this sword.

  1. Attack with left click.This is the usual default attack. 
  2. Make a fiery lunge by double clicking. This does 10 damage per touch.
  3. Catch a player in awesome red thorns by lunging and pressing Q. The sky will become a sunset and the player will take 27 damage in 3 seconds.
  4. Cut wings off a flying player! During my test, the other player was using these wings. I'm not sure about other wings, but it worked with these. While the other player is flying, aim and press E to send a fireball at them which knocks off their wings and does 50 damage upon falling. During my test however, it did not do the 50 damage to the other player.
As you can see, this is one of the deadliest swords on Roblox.

Money Value: 7/10
The price on this sword is a little too expensive for a price by ROBLOX. It was originally 30,000R$ and now is selling for around 50,000R$. It is quite expensive but if you got it at first, you would get some good profit from this. The sword is really cool though, making it higher in value.

Enjoyment: 10/10
This sword is AWESOME and defiantly fun to use! I took more time then needed during my test just messing around with it. Yes, the other person seemed to have been irritated, but they are my best friend. :) If I had lot's of money, this is a sword I would want to get.

Overall: 9/10
Overall, this sword is the most fun sword you will get. No questions asked. I say you got  a lot of money and are willing to buy a cool sword like this, go ahead. You won't regret it at all. I had lot's of fun testing it and I am sure you will too! 

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