
Friday, September 28, 2012

Hat Review: Jellyfish

Hey all, Rob498 here, I know it's been a while since I've last
posted, but I'm going to start posting more frequently from now on, so stay tuned!


So today I decided to look at a very random hat. The Jellyfish.

Basic Stats:
Created: 8/10/2010
Favourited: 844 times.
Total Sold: 2,164.
Genre: Comedy.
Description: "The most delicious kind of fish ever. I hope mine is strawberry flavoured!"

Mesh: 9/10

I personally think the mesh looks great, the many tentacles give it a lot
of realism, while it's body(?) has a nice sort of mushroom shape to it.

Texture: 7/10

I honestly thought jellyfish were more of a transparent thing more than
a bright, purpley, ball of jelly. But nonetheless, the details on the top
and the colour changes throughout the hat make it looks pretty neat.

Creativity: 10/10

What can I say, this hat is totally bonkers and hilarious. It just
looks plain silly on your character, and makes you look like
the goof of the gang. I think it was a well thought up hat idea.

Price: 9/10

At a dandy 70R$, you can't really go wrong. Unless you're someone
who finds trouble saving up robux and spends them straightaway,
it should definetely be within your price range.

Overall: 8.75/10

I think that this hat is a very cute little novelty item, and at the price it's
at, it won't take a big chunk out of your robux. A very solid item.

Warning: Roblox News are not responsible for any stings, rashes, or
pain received when wearing this hat on your avatars head. Thank you.

Have a question? Follow me on Twitter @Rob498RBLX

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