
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Interview with DarkGenex!

Today I interviewed the fourmer DarkGenex!

1) When did you join ROBLOX? What were your first impressions?

 Feb. 11, 2010. I thought the game was interesting, like a giant online box of LEGOs.

2) What part of the game stood out to you the most?

The fact that you could pretty much "Build Anything".

3) What was the first game you visited? Did you enjoy it?

Disaster Hotel. I enjoyed it, it was a nice time-waster.

4) What is your favourite type of place on ROBLOX? Why?

I'd say either Sword Fighting games such as SFOTH, SFOI and SFT. It's fun and takes some sort of strategy to fight, not just going in Rambo style and blasting everyone to bits like a crazed maniac... 

5) Do you have a favourite place? Why is it your favourite?

Favorite place would have to be Pac-Man!! by PacManMan, I have tons of fun there even though it's a simple game. The glitches are fun to discover and figure out the limits of the game... I mean there's glitches where you can spawn in an invisible skybox, make the map explode and even send Pac-Man flying through the walls. I also have tons of memories with my friends there, the few friends I do have :3

6) When did you start foruming?

 I started in March 2011, but began to start foruming frequently in July 2011

7) Which forum do you usually post to? Why?

LMaD. I know their community, racked up about 20000 posts (so far) in that forum. Plus, easy way to make profit, you can get lucky off of LPPs/Snipes/desperate people. Seriously, the best way to profit is off of desperate people...

8) If you were CEO of ROBLOX for the day, what would you do?

First off, I'd send out a personal thank you to some of my closest friends. Then I'd make a blog post asking people what they wanted, and total up the most wanted results and leave the results to the next CEO. Next, I'd release the Crystal Skull hat (wink wink) and make a Green Sparkle Time Fedora. Finally, I'd go into random people's games, and just visit them, make em happy :)

9) What is your favourite item in the catalog? 

10) And finally, apple or orange?

Potato duh.

Well that was my first interview I have done, hope you guys enjoyed! Like what I write? Follow me on twitter @Darkfish900

1 comment:

  1. I am the best sniper and sharpshooter in ROBLOX that has ever logged on.


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