
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Playing the Market: Long Term Currency Investment

With the holiday season rolling around, it is a perfect money to make a little bit more money. Of course, there are always many ways to achieve the same thing, such as hats and present guessing. One that you might not have thought of, however, is investment through the use of the Trade Currency system. Now before you say "YO MAN, WE ALREADY KNOW THIS FROM THE OTHER AWESOME GUIDE YOU WROTE!" This one is different.

This method is for the lazy. It is slightly more risky than the other method and takes WAY longer for you to profit in. So now you are thinking, "HEY MAN, THEN WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS METHOD?" Well, as I said, it's for the lazy people in the world, as you only need to do 2 trades to profit. So, let's get started.

Ok, so this method only works when the time is right. And here are some examples of the right times of the year: Christmas, Halloween, Easter, New Year, Thanksgiving, etc. If you haven't noticed a pattern yet, it works on holidays pretty much exclusively, it can also work when a lot of really expensive hats are released. Keep in mind though, a spike in rates can occur at any moment, sometimes inexplicably, so keep an eye out for your chance to reel in the big one.

Most sane people will keep all their money as Robux because that is where all the hats are. However, some people (for whatever reason) decide to keep lots of their money as Tix, and when holidays hats and presents roll around, they will exchange Tix for Robux to buy the items. And that's where we come in to profit.

Those people will drive the rate of Robux to Tix WAYYYYY up. During these times, 15:1 rates are not uncommon. The concept is to buy low and sell high. We need to trade our Robux to Tix when the rates are high, and trade back to Robux when they are low.

If you don't know how to use Limited Rates, you should learn from my other guide or just use Market Order (but you will earn less). When you notice the rates are abnormally high,  trade your Robux to Tix. Then, after a little patience and waiting for the rates to fall back down, you will need to trade again, but this time, from Tix to Robux.

TL;DR Steps

1. Trade your Robux to Tix when the rates are high (14 - 15 is fine). You might want to leave some Robux to buy those festive gifts and hats.
2. Wait until the rates become lower again, usually when the holiday ends.
3. Trade your Tix back to Robux when the rates are low enough.

You can actually predict the amount of money you will earn buy doing:

1. Take your money you will trade
2. Multiply it by the rate right now.
3. Divide it buy the rate you want to trade it back at (10 or 11 is a good estimate).

So to review, trade to tix when rates are high during the holidays, and trade back to robux when the rates are low. And if you took nothing away from this guide, JUST TRADE YOUR ROBUX TO TIX WHEN THE HOLIDAYS COME AROUND!

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