
Sunday, March 31, 2013

ROBLOX Egg Hunt 2013 Guide!

Greetings fellow egg hoarders! Today I bring you a comprehensive eggsponential guide of every egg that is currently available within the ROBLOX Egg Hunt 2013, which was beautifully crafted by the ROBLOX content team. The spawn areas, special abilities and tips to obtaining each egg will be detailed below along with important information about the map. (I promise - no more egg puns).

HUNT _Image

The Egg Hunt is a game published by the staff account named 'Games'; being joint-created by Tarabyte, Sorcus, Stickmasterluke and Brighteyes to name a few. The place has been visited a total of 1,367,732 times and has experienced 17,000 concurrent players making it easily the most popular ROBLOX event EVER. There are a total of 24 eggs that can currently be collected by players and all can be worn as hats. As of writing there are three unreleased badges which are all likely to be eggs that can be only be obtained on certain days of the hunt. These exclusive eggs will be added to the guide as the hunt progresses.

Egg Hunt Map

So without further ado, here is the ROBLOX Egg Hunt 2013 guide
(use CTRL-F to find the specific egg you are looking for)

WatermelonThis egg spawns in the grassland area very close to the ring of teleporters. It is a common egg with several appearing on the map at once and can be easily obtained with the player simply walking over it. Once the egg is collected, pieces of melon scatter around the player's feet - a juicy touch.


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Gear Review: Faberge Egg Cloner

As most of you know already, ROBLOX's annual Egg Hunt has begun, which, of course, resulted in the usual mayhem that comes with large-scale events such as this one. To make your egg-hunting a tad easier, ROBLOX created three gear items specifically for this year's egg hunt, one of which we'll be looking at today. So, without further ado, let's get down to the review!

Abilities/Effects: The Faberge Cloner does exactly what it says on the tin. If you happen to be in one of the few servers in which a Fabergé Egg is present, there's a nearly 100% chance you'll get the egg, due to this gear's special ability. If anyone in the server finds the Fabergé Egg, and you own this item, you'll receive an exact copy of the egg yourself. Seeing as less than 1% of those who've played this year's egg hunt have a Fabergé Egg of any sort, I'd find that to be quite a useful little trick. 9/10.

Appearance: The Cloner itself is rather large, but it does sit in one's avatar's hands quite nicely. It's been made to resemble half of an easter egg, which fits. What appears to be some sort of high-tech scanning device resides where there would normally be the egg-yolk and egg-white, though I find that those colors clash with the brightly-colored back. 8/10.

Pricing: The Faberge Cloner hit the Catalog at a price of 1,000 ROBUX, making it the most expensive of the 2013 Egg Hunt-related items. However, seeing as once Fabergé Eggs go limited they sell for around 1,000 ROBUX alone, I can't say that having a cloner would be a horrible investment. This is assuming though, that one is able to locate servers with the Faberge Eggs which, by itself, is quite a difficult task. 7/10.

Overall: 8/10.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to follow me on twitter! @U98RBLX

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Website-Egg Hunt Guide 2013

Greetings Egg Collectors!

My name is LOLFUNNY12345 and I have been building for Roblox News egg hunt. I have also been trying my hand at egg collecting in the official ROBLOX Game (Link to Game). Now, there are the normal eggs (the ones you find in-game) but there are also ones that aren't available in-game; ones you have to work for, ones you have to discover for yourself. If you hadn't guessed that's what I'm here for.

I shall explain how to get 9 website/studio egg hats:

Eggscrutiatingly Deviled Scripter

1) The "Eggscrutiatingly Deviled Scripter" - (Click For Hat Link)

- USES Roblox Studio 2013

Just enter "print(math.pi)" in command bar and hold enter to spam it till you get egg. I think it is based on lines pasted and the phrase shouldn't matter but this worked for me.

Eggcellent Builder

2) The "Eggcellent Builder" - (Click For Hat Link)

- USES Roblox Studio 2013

Just publish a place to ROBLOX on your account.

Eggsultant Contributer

3) The "Eggsultant Contributer" - (Click For Hat Link)

- USES Roblox Studio 2013

Just publish a model to ROBLOX on your account.


4) The "Eggsplosion" - (Click For Hat Link)

- USES Roblox Studio 2013

Just insert an explosion in a place in Roblox Studio.

Eggstreme Builder

5) The "Eggstreme Builder" - (Click For Hat Link)

- USES Roblox Studio 2013

Insert the blue car from "Vehicles" in toolbox into your place.

Yolk's on Us

6) "Yolk's on Us" - (Click For Hat Link)

- USES Roblox Studio 2013

Insert a part named 'Yolk' into a model named 'Egg'.

The Easiest Egg

7) "The Easiest Egg" - (Click For Hat Link)

This really is simple click the egg in the "ROBLOX" image in the top left of your homepage.

Eggvertisement Egg

8) The "Eggvertisement Egg" - (Click For Hat Link)

An advertisement should appear above the game page. Click it and you should receive it.


9) The "TL;DR Egg" - (Click For Hat Link)

This one should work. Instead of finding it on the forums use this link to gain it: Link

I hope this helps and remember, have fun hunting!

LOLFUNNY12345 - Roblox News Project Builder 


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Retexture Reviews: Two Winning Eggs

Today I'd like to talk about two amazing eggs that won the egg contests for the 2013 Egg hunt. Every year, Roblox makes a egg hunt to celebrate Easter. Each egg is either common or rare, or just plain hard to get. This year, Roblox asked their community to make eggs for the 2013 Egg Hunt. They decided to pick three Faberge eggs and three standard eggs. Today I'll be talking about one egg from both Faberge and standard eggs.

Fruity Egg of the Watermelon
The first eggs is the Fruity Egg of the Watermelon. This egg was made by the user TheEasterZombie. His egg is pure genius, and absolute creativity. The way the texture fits with the egg is remarkable. The egg shows some dimension with one side being bright, and the other dark, The egg is clearly a nice addition to the 2013 Egg Hunt, and I can't wait to get. Maybe you'll need a sword to get it, who knows! Overall, this egg is what creativity stands for, and it is original.

Overall: 9/10

Purple faberge egg of royalty ([Published])

The second egg I'd like to talk about is the Purple Faberge Egg of Royalty. This egg was made by the user nintendocpu. This is egg is a normal Faberge egg, however it has a new grid design. Instead of the average Faberge egg's gold grid, this one is a gold and green grid on a purple dye. All though this isn't an original Faberge egg, it's still a good looking egg. It deserves it spot in the top three of Faberge eggs.


Thanks for stopping by!


Monday, March 25, 2013

Classic Hat Review: Sir Rich McMoneyston, III

'Ello there, chaps! Fancy a cup o' tea today? Ah, why 'm I writing in what appears to be a 'orrible English accent? That's because t'day, we'll be taking a look at one of my favorite hats, which, for some reason, reminds me o' England: Sir Rich McMoneyston, III. So, without further ado, let's get down to the review!

Mesh: The mesh is very original, and it personally reminds me of something the guy on the Monopoly box would wear. This one hat itself consists of three items - A top hat, a monocle, and a mustache large enough to rival Hercule Poirot's (Agatha Christie fans will get the reference)! 3 original items in one hat? I consider that quite a steal! 8/10.

Appearance: The mustache and top hat are a nice, dark shade of brown. The top hat rests slightly tilted on your avatar's head, which I like quite a lot. The monocle stands out a bit, with it's blue lens and golden rim, but I find it to be a nice fit to the rest of the piece. There's not much to complain about here! 10/10.

Pricing: There is a reason as to the many references of money in the hat's name. This is because, of course, this hat is incredibly expensive. At 11,111 ROBUX, this hat is one of the fewest sold items in the Catalog. I assume that this is only due to its pricing, as the hat itself is quite nice. As of now, only about 700 copies have sold, also making it one of the rarer, non-limited hats you'll find. I'm not going to  give this hat a horrible score in this category because I believe it should be at a substantially high price. Plus, like I mentioned earlier, you're basically getting 3 hats for the price of one! 9/10.

Overall: 9/10.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to follow me on twitter! - @U98RBLX

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Face Review: Evil Skeptic

      Hey all, today I figured I'd try something a bit different. Now, I normally don't do face reviews (In fact, I never have!), so I thought I'd give it a shot. Since there's no real mesh or abilities/effects to talk about when it comes to faces, this article will only be talking about the face's appearance and pricing. So, without further ado, let's get down to the review!

Appearance: Now, I'm sure many of you have the "Skeptic" face in your inventory; after all, over 140,000 have sold as of today. When it comes to a comparison between this face and it's sequel, "Evil Skeptic," there are quite a few differences which you may not have noticed at first. First, the eyes on the new face are red, which I'm guessing none of you guys saw-- no, just kidding. One of the major differences, you'll see, is the arching of the eyebrows. On the original face, they resembled a lower-case "n," whereas in the new face, they're slanted downwards. Unfortunately, the artist who designed the face forgot to make the eyebrows the same shade of black as the mouth, and though it's not a huge difference, it's something that bothers me slightly. Also, you'll notice that there are a few white spots on the new face, as you can see, once I've shades  it in a bit. Other than that, I feel that it's quite a nice step forward from the old "Skeptic" face. 9/10.

Pricing: The item is, as you probably know, a limited, making it one of the first new limited faces in quite a while. It started off at the price of only 50 ROBUX with 5,000 copies in stock, and has skyrocketed to the price of over 1,000 ROBUX! If you invested in it, I can assure you, you're turning over some serious profit with this item. I'd advise to stay away from buying it now, unless you're looking to keep it, because you most likely won't make any profit with this item at the current time. Overall, I feel it's a great face, which is why it receives a 9/10.

Overall: 9/10.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to follow me on twitter! - @U98RBLX

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hat Review: Graffiti Cap

A few days ago, a peculiar looking item was seen on the ROBLOX account. Some speculated it was to be a new contest prize, other still thought it to be something one could redeem on a gift card, but as we can see today, it's simply a normal hat. Which hat am I referring to, you may ask? It's the Graffiti Cap, which we'll be analyzing today. So, without further ado, let's get down to the review!

Mesh: You can tell the hat's rather odd from the mesh itself. It looks like a normal baseball cap until you  take a look at it's very thick lid. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to combine well with any of my hats. Even "Trecky Hair," which I often wear with caps because it fits perfectly with almost any hat, still juts out when you put on this cap. 6/10.

Appearance: The back is a dark blue hue, and the front is textured like an odd bit of green cheese. The word "ROBLOX," which is spray painted across the cap in maroon, pink, and what appears to be mold, doesn't complement the rest of the cap at all. Not one of the best things I've seen, in my opinion. 5/10.

Pricing: The Graffiti Cap hit the Catalog at a price of only 25 ROBUX, making it easily affordable to Builder's Club members and some NBC players alike. Well, affordable to the few that wish to buy it. Can't complain too much about the price though. 8/10.

Overall: 6/10

Thanks for reading, and be sure to follow me on twitter! - @U98RBLX

Friday, March 22, 2013

Roblox News Easter Contest: Eggcentric Retextures!

Greetings fellow egg hoarders of ROBLOXia! As you most of you are well aware, the ROBLOX team are hosting their (now) annual Easter Egg Hunt in which eggs fall from the sky in a set map and players scurry around the map to collect them to add to their inventories. In parallel to this fantastic event, Roblox News will also be running an Egg Hunt of our own! There will be a huge variety of eggs that drop in the map which will entail hours of enjoyment for fans and casual players alike.

That is where you come in! As of now, we have a selection of eggs we'd like to use in our hunt, but we would like a few more to add to our collection. The top entries in the Eggcellent Retextures contest will be be featured in the Roblox News Egg Hunt 2013 and will be scripted by our genius programmer: Zinc707! These eggs will drop in-game and will award badges to players who manage (without dying horribly) to obtain them.

The egg retextures can be of any theme or design, and you can use any egg mesh ever uploaded! Creativity is key in this contest as there are already hundreds of egg retextures previously made, and of course; dozens of official egg hats. Think outside the box with your entry, and try to produce something symbolises Easter - perhaps creating a classical, decorative egg such as the examples to the right. Eggs that represent Roblox News would also make an excellent addition to Easter Egg Hunt game - pictures of staff members or the RN logo would look great! The winning entries to our previous Easter contest can be found here.

If you'd like to enter the contest, simply:

1.) Create your retexture on ROBLOX and upload it as a model and give it a suiting title. If you are new retexturing, check out this helpful guide. In the model's description insert the tags: 'Eggcentric Retextures 2013', 'RN Egg Hunt Contest Entry'.

2.) Private message RNEggHunt on ROBLOX your entry. Title your message 'Eggcentric Retextures 2013' and include a link to your entry in the main message. You can send up to 3 entries, and can be sent in the same or different PMs.The eggtastic entries will then all be added to this set for everyone to view!

3) From there they will be judged by myself (arbirator), and IBarrrageI. The top entries will be featured in the Roblox News Egg Hunt 2013, will receive a model trophy each, and finally will be featured on the blog for thousands to see!

The entry deadline is the 28th March 11:59 PM PST.

Thanks for reading, and good luck to all entrants!

Editor of Roblox News


St. Patrick's Day Sale 2013!

This year for St. Patrick's Day, ROBLOX did quite a lot of St. Patrick's themed things in the catalog. Without further ado, here is a recap for those who missed out on this occasion or were interested in knowing exactly everything that happened.

Day 1

The first day of the sale was about discounted items, gear, and a surprise treasure chest opening. Green Wizard Hat of Vitae, Neon Green Shuttershades, Checkered Neon Green Fedora, Green Hood, and the Emerald Horned One are all green hats and because of this they were all discounted at 17% off for a limited time. (St. Patrick's is on the 17th of March.) Personally, 17% off an item isn't really that much, but hey, at least it was some discounted items. This is the first time ROBLOX has discounted items for St. Patrick's Day. A few hours later came the gear. The first gear item released was the Fairy Axe priced at 350 robux, which relates to the fantasy elements of Ireland such as the Leprechauns and Fairies. A few minutes later the Leprechaun Harp priced at 250 robux was released. It has a very complex script, and with it you can create tunes to impress your friends. Later that night the Leprechaun Vine Scroll priced at 300 robux was released. This gear is very useful, but it has the same script as the classic Vine Staff, so not really creative. The final gear released was the Leprechaun Lucky Sword and Shield, originally 650 robux but unexpectedly went offsale after the weekend. This gear is probably the best out of them all, as it can occasionally deal massive damage. However, none of these gears were limited, which was a real shame.

Fairy Axe Leprechaun HarpLeprechaun Vine ScrollLeprechaun Lucky Sword and Shield

The last event of the day was the release of the first St. Patrick's retexture. Kilty McJig's 8-Bit Fedora is a nice looking retexture (more like recolor) by DarkGenex of the 8-Bit Fedora. When the hat was first released, it was offsale and multiple users got a copy of it. The community couldn't figure out what happened until after a few minutes, when suddenly it came to realization: BrightEyes' Treasure Chest had finally opened for the 6th time after two years. If you don't know, BrightEyes' Treasure Chest is a classic limited item that has a lot of demand for the fact that it rarely gives the owner of the hat a prize hat. Because of this, the counterpart to BrightEyes' Treasure Chest, Telamon's Mystery Box, has a lot of demand again because of the fact that it might open soon. Kilty McJig's 8-Bit Fedora looks good with many green hats, and has a likely probability of going limited in the future. The only problem? The 8-Bit Fedora's and this fedora's hat placement is sort of weird, as the hat is worn on a tilt.
Kilty McJig's 8-Bit Fedora

Day 2

This day was somewhat of a letdown. Only two retextures came out this day, one hat went limited, and two St. Patrick's caps went back on sale. The first retexture to come out was the Unorthodox Pot of Gold, an extremely creative top hat retexture by IBarrageI. I like how the hat is supposed to represent gold being hidden in a leprechaun's top hat. This hat was one of three St. Patrick's retextures that were limited at release, and was 317 robux (reference to 3/17) with 1000 in stock. Currently the hat has profited and raised to around 600 robux, but sell it soon, as it is dropping in price. The second retexture released was the Lucky Clover Necklace, which is DailyValue's first published retexture. It was originally 44 robux and looks great with many hats. After that, the classic Neon Shamrock went back on sale for 10 robux and bc only, and Shamrock Styles went back on sale for 10 tix. The last event of the day was that St. Patrick's Day 2012 went limited. It's now selling for less than 100 robux for it's non-rarity. 

Unorthodox Pot of GoldLucky Clover NecklaceNeon ShamrockShamrock StylesSt. Patrick's Day 2012

Day 3

Day 3 was the big day. For weeks now the admin BrightEyes had been hinting of a fourth fedora to come out in the Sparkle Time Fedora series, and many were suspecting a Green Sparkle Time Fedora. However, hat leakers didn't find it at all, leaving people baffled during the week. Unexpectedly, around 12:00 AM EST/9:00 AM PST, ROBLOX released the Green Sparkle Time Fedora. This fedora was the quickest selling fedora in the entire series. Like most of it's predecessors, it was limited with 100 in stock and 10,000 robux. The fedora is currently worth around 200k to 300k robux, but I'm pretty sure it should lower soon. At the moment it has the highest RAP of all the Sparkle Time Fedoras, but value wise it's the second to last most wanted Sparkle Time. (the least wanted fedora in the series is the Bluesteel Fedora). However, the Green Sparkle Time Fedora has some major problems that the admins should fix. The first problem is that in my opinion, it has a weird hue of green. It's too bright, and removes the detail. The biggest problem, however, is that the band of the fedora is so bright and smooth, that it doesn't match it's counterparts. Picture below.
Sparkle Time FedoraPurple Sparkletime FedoraRed Sparkle Time FedoraGreen Sparkle Time Fedora
notice how the band of the GSTF is much brighter than the other STFs

Other things that happened on Day 3 include the following. Before the GSTF came out, the Knit Leprechaun hat came out at a cheap 10 robux. The Irish Guard, another retexture by IBarrageI of the unreleased hat "Ares" was limited at 17 robux (another St. Pat's reference) and had 10,000 in stock. Currently it's selling for around 100 robux, and looks pretty good for a cheap limited. Uncle Sean's Fedora, a nice new addition to the new fedora mesh series, came out for 317 robux (another 3/17 reference) and was the first hat to go offsale after the weekend. Also, the Lucky Shades, IBarrageI's first retexture, went limited and are now selling around 1.5k. Oddly enough though, another IBarrageI retexture, the Ninja of the Shamrock was leaked and supposedly was planned to come out, but it didn't. Maybe St. Patrick's 2014?

Knit LephrachaunGreen Sparkle Time FedoraThe Irish GuardUncle Sean's FedoraLucky Shades

Overall, this was a pretty good St. Patrick's Day sale. Especially for the 100 people who managed to snag (or bot) a Green Sparkle Time Fedora for 10,000 robux. The next big ROBLOX event is the egg hunt, and that is set to take place all next week. With over 20+ eggs, it's bound to be good. It will be good, believe me.


CFrame Review: Serene Mill

This building is truly beautiful. I actually don't know any game that can top it. And with the extra graphics only makes the game look visually better. I could safely say, this is the most graphical ROBLOX game I have ever visited, and it's finished, so it's even better. You can't beat it, I can beat it, Ralph can't beat it... --->>

[Serene Mill][海悅軋機寧靜,周圍的天空][Original Version1]

This game is amazing, truly. The trees are the most unrealistic objects within the game, and they are meshes! The house looks like a typical corroded house, but very life-like and immeersive. You can tell that the creator of this game knows his way with making things rotate, because there are two spinning cylinders.

There is spheres that are coloured and textured as grass, and they are well CFramed. There is also a waterfall. The waterfall looks very real too. The water that travels down is actually spinning ice bricks but it makes the waterfall look like it's shrinking and growing due to the speed it is travelling down the pathway of rocks. Inside the house, there are many beautys as well as the stairs that are well fitted, and the spinning cylinder which is also well fitted.

One thing that drew my attention was the overlapping of the wood on the outside layer of the house,  which displayed fascinating craftsmanship  It is a truly epic detail that most ROBLOX games should have implemented. I've played many other games that really irritate me, and I'm pretty sure Arby would agree with me that games with this kind of detail really should stand out more than those less deserving games that often get to the front page.

What if you can't CFrame? There is always an alternative, games with a great storyline, title and objective are attracted to. For example: Catalog Heaven - not heavily CFramed or detailed, but is a kind of game a lot of people play, freeze Tag is another. All contain an objective. This game is just for roaming, wondering. Visualizing ROBLOXs full potential. The potential of all you ROBLOXians shouldn't be underestimated. But Don't underestimate the power of CFraming to further enhance an objective based game.

This game gives off a wonderful effect. A bigger effect than any of my games before have. It's a one of a kind. I don't think I will ever see a sight on ROBLOX quite as good as the Serene Mill.

Got any suggestions?
Tweet me on Twitter,
Message me on ROBLOX.

Follow me and ROBLOX News for updates..


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Catalog Rumors: Return of Classics

Hello guys, chubbs21 here with not a hat or gear review, but a news report on some catalog rumors! (And things said by admins.) Today we will be focusing on four hats, Clockwork's Shades, Red Domino, Bluesteel Domino Crown, and Blizzaria: The Frozen.

Clockwork's Shades

Clockwork Shades are a vary rare hat on roblox. It originally sold for 19,538R$ and only sold on special occasions like Black Friday. It's a simple but expensive and sleek pair of shades. According to Admin BrightEyes in game, Clockwork's Shades will be going limited eventually, sometime this year. (A question asked by me, chubbs21) Since this is a rare hat with only 1,200 sellers, (with some who quit) My prediction for this hat's price will be about 40,000R$ - 50,000R$. That's a lot of robux!

Red Domino

Red Domino, better known as Red Domino Crown, is an old and rare hat. It originally came from a gift called Glowing Gold Gift of Superuser. This gift was purchased for 20,000R$ and given out to all moderators at the time. (Very few) It's a part of the Domino Crown series of hats and is one of the rarest. A user asked BrightEyes in game if it will go limited. Brighteyes responded saying they tried to make it limited once before, but it it glitched due to the texture. She also added that they will try again to make it limited. If this hat does go limited, I predict it will be worth 500,000R$ due to the looks and rarity.

Bluesteel Domino Crown

Bluesteel Domino Crown is a 2011 classic. It came out of the Epic Builders Present. It was awarded to the creators of the top 100 places on ROBLOX at the time. The gift was also purchased for 25,000R$. Brighteyes stated this hat may go limited as well as the Red Domino. (Probably around Christmas 2013) There are 363 owners of that hat, some deleted or gone, so it won't be worth as much as the Red Domino. I predict the worth of this hat will be 200,000R$ once it goes limited. Not as much but still a lot of robux.

Blizzaria: The Frozen

This hat sold recently this year for 100,000 Tix. It was the same price as Darkseed: The Fallen before that went limited recently this past Halloween. It sold on the President's Day Sale this year. BrightEyes confirmed that this will for sure go back on sale this December for the same price. She did not say, however, if it will ever go limited. 

That's all the news I got for today readers! Keep reading for more news and reviews!



Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Luck O' the Textures Contest Winners!

St.Patrick's has now passed and celebrations once filling the streets of Ireland are now over. However luck is still in the air with several great St.Patrick's day themed retextures making their way into the contest set! It is now the moment you've all been waiting for: announcing the winners of the Roblox News St.Patrick's day 2013 contest: Luck O' the Textures! Despite the contest being launched at quite short notice, there were some really creative and imaginative entries. Each entry represented the feel of St.Patrick's day extremely well, choosing relevant colour schemes and designs to suit the nature of the day. Once again, it proved more difficult than expected to narrow down to just three winners and I'd like to congratulate everyone who entered as the quality was visibly astounding.

So without further do, here are the winners of  Roblox News St.Patrick's 2013 contest: Luck O' the Textures:

1st Place - Phantom of the Irish by rebellion666

Phantom of the Irish |tarabyte Took! :)|
Using an excellent thumbnail image to fully showcase the detail of this retexture, rebellion has managed produced a fine work of art. I feel that he used the perfect mesh1, well placing the clovers on the texture to form a pattern around the eye-hole of the mask. The clovers are extremely detailed, with a balanced colour scheme throughout the retexture to help them blend, giving the finished product an authentic appearance .What strikes me most about this entry is that it doesn't look like a retexture.

2nd Place - Shamrock Warrior by zerois

Shamrock Warrior
Boasting a terrific colour scheme that really caught my eye, this retexture fits in perfectly with the St.Patrick's Day theme of the contest. The black and green provides a real contrast in colour which that helps flesh out the detail found on the retexture. Highlighted with a lighter shades of green which really adds another layer of detail, the mouthguard looks beautiful offset against the top op the helmet. The clovers are also expertly placed on the entry and do not distract from the overall design.

3rd Place - Goldvisionary Diver by DarkGenex

Goldvisionary Diver [TARABYTE TOOK]
With this entry, DarkGenex makes excellent use of an unusual hat mesh - I have never seen a retexture quite like it! While the neon green colour scheme remains loyal to the basic roots of St.Patrick's day retextures, the gold that can be seen reflecting in the lens is far more adventurous with an authentic texture and shine to the material. This paired with beams of light cascading off the lens and the drum underneath with the yellow and green colour scheme makes this retexture stand out from the crowd!

Runners Up!

Saint Patrick's Casual Wear [Brighteyes took]
Saint Patrick's Casual Wear by Sporeman15

The main texture of this entry is comprised from a great, balanced colour scheme. The gold compliments the dark green well and suggests and shows that gold can be found at the end of the rainbow! The clovers engraved into the pins situated on the side of the retexture and the detailed green leaves on the side add another level of authenticty to the entry.

O' Malley's Worn hat

O' Malley's Worn hat by RayMan36 

Sporting a simple green texture, with a collection of St.Patrick's day themed enamel pinks: this retexture boasts creativity at it's finest! The pin images are well selected and placed on this entry and would suit any Irish patriot!

Once again I'd like to thank everyone who took time to enter our retexture contest. The entries were extremely varied this time around, with each retexture having a unique design.


Editor of Roblox News