
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Gear Review: Wizard of the Astral Isles: Limb Stretching Spell

Hey, Pajke here. Today I'll be reviewing the Wizards of the Astral Isles: Limb Stretching Spell gear. Yea, I'm a bit late, but nothing we can do about that now can we.

Wizards of the Astral Isles: Limb Stretching Spell
So this gear was added to the Catalog on The 13th of February, 2013. And published as a gear on the 15th. It has gotten a lot of positive feedback in the past month.

Helicopter Spin
Abilities:  This is definitely one heck of a gear, and it's really fun to use. Activation causes it to burst into flames and slowly float away from you as it turns into ash. There's a lot of lore on spells about how you need to write an incantation down on a piece of paper, say it and then burn the piece of paper. Guessing this is one of those spells. So anyway, the gear has two attacks. One being initiated by a single click of the mouse, called Claw Attack. Your limbs grow, as you swiftly slash with your right arm, that being followed by a slash from the left one. A doubleclick will also increase the size of your limbs, and you will furiously spin in a circle like a helicopters rotor, SML calls it a "Helicopter Spin". It also makes a slapping sound if you hit anything containing a humanoid. This gear is great and using it is mountains of fun! 8/10

Claw Attack
Looks: It's a piece of paper with an incantation written on it, with a glyph in the middle.The glyph includes a robloxian with his arms and legs stretched, with an aura around him, and he's in a circle. The paper looks pretty old, and it's ripped. That implies that the spell isn't some new-agey witchcraft. The characters on it are symbols that date back to the medieval ages. Some of them include: Symbol of the Sun, Symbol of Saturn, so on. The back of the card has also has a fiery symbol. The long arm part is hot. 7/10

Price: This is a pretty cool gear, but it's damage isn't worth 500 robux, I think a more reasonable price for it would be around the 400s. 6/10

Overall: Fun to use, not too expensive, and looks nice. I don't recommend you buy this gear to equip it on your character, It looks rather small. But in-game use is good. Overall I'm giving this gear a 7/10.

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