
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

CFraming Review: Tarnished Coast

Tarnished Coast

Well, there's one thing I've never appreciated about ROBLOX, do you know what that is? It's the pointless games that manage to get to the front page, I mean really, the last game I reviewed was stupidity in the making. But some games, like "spantastic" --(New Word) games, are just amazing. But this takes good building, and everybody knows, most good buildings come from CFraming. And I'm about to review a small, but effective game, Tarnished Coast..

Tarnished Coast is an epically CFramed game, there's no doubt about that, just look at that picture, I can already see it's great, here's a view of that CFrame with maximum graphics..
As you can see, it's beautiful. It's no doubt, that even simple things can take a while to implement into a game, am I correct? I think yes.

I can also say that even the simplest of things at 'Tarnished Coast'. Just look at those sewage tunnels..

Realistic to the touch I must say, look how curved that pipe is, and how the wall has cracks that blend. The game also features a brick wall, a realistic hovercraft, and a very nice boardwalk to the grass.

The hovercraft looks like it took the longest, however it doesn't stand out the most. In the whole game, I think the boardwalk stands out to me the most.

The sign is a tiny detail, lying next to the sphere stone bricks, that work with the well c-framed sign to bring life and a feeling of familiarity to the surroundings.

The nails that are screwed into the wood is probably the finest detail I actually have noticed, the corrode and detail they give off makes the game a reality, working in conjunction with the brilliant barrel of fire and grass.

<--Brick Wall & View
As you can see, the bricks are well curved inside the cylinder and the railings are very much realistic, as well as the sewage drains in the floor.

Lots of you ROBLOXians might look at these epic CFrames and think "I can not do anything near as good as this..". Well, as you see in this game, small building but very detailed. And CFraming is very hard, if you use a CFrame Plugin for ROBLOX Studio, it can make the experience a whole lot easier.

This game was also based on Half-Life 2, especially the hovercraft that lies by the boardwalk.

Thank you for reading!

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