
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Retexture Reviews- The Fan Helmet

Set with no description, one can only infer what the item is. From first glance at the name, you'd think it would be either a fan that is made into a helmet, or rather a helmet made for a fan group. The retexture I'm reviewing today is the Fan Helmet, made by gkku.

The helmet's writing is in Japanese. Of course, I can't speak Japanese, or understand Japanese. All I did was researched Japanese writing to compare the writing. Can't blame a guy for not knowing what they mean. Now lets move onto the retexture, and not the writing.

The retexture is simple, a helmet with a fan. It's simple enough to get the idea of the hat. I simply only found two cons in this design:
-The lack of folded paper like design to get the fan design more accurate. Now I know the fan part is flat, but it is best to improvise in the design, rather than lacking out on the most import part of the hat.(Maybe could've fixed the position of the Japanese writing too.)

-The little spikes sticking out, could've been improvised as well. Gkku could've made the spikes to have something involved with Japanese culture.

These two flaws could been improved, and I'd like to see them improved as well. Gkku doesn't have to because he is entitled to his design's layout.

Moving onto the helmet. To my perspective, the helmet looks to be copper, or rather bronze with rustic look. The rustic looks makes it look old, and potentially an ancient artifact, or just a hat if you don't like technical terms. This hat is simply creative and original, and like all hats, it has it's flaws, but it has it's pros as well. I recommend this hat for production, but I just don't have the right to do that since I don't work for Roblox. This deserves 8/10 rating for it's pure genius idea.

Overall: 8/10


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