
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Five New Job Vacancies at Roblox News!

Today I bring the exciting news that Roblox News has five available job vacancies!
    At RN we look for the best of the best. Staff who are responsible and able to tackle challenges are at the top of our agenda. We recognise those who have unique skills, talents and attributes. We are looking for experienced players who enjoy ROBLOX and whom enthusiastically engage with the community. Here at Roblox News, we are looking for passionate writers to join our ranks. Writers that can communicate their opinions effectively and with an aspect of style. We let our individual writers express their opinions and love of the game through the medium of our blog.

    Remember: our blog is all about detail and accuracy of information. On top of this we make sure the posts are enjoyable to read for our blog's visitors.

    We will require writers to be very active on the blog; publishing several posts a week. They will be required to attend team meetings and briefings from editors and managers. Roblox News staff are given a large amount of freedom in what they post; they will be assigned the section of their choice i.e games, catalog or site news.

    The fivepositions are as follows:
    • Catalog Analyst
    • Site News Journalist
    • Site News Journalist
    • Game Journalist
    • Game Journalist 
    If you believe you meet all the above requirements, please email an application to: !

    What should the application include? 

    1) To kick off the application, a paragraph describing yourself should be included. This should be consist of your talents that you would bring to Roblox News. You should also include any hobbies and personal interests you may have. 

    2) A paragraph about why you would you like to join Roblox News and why you want to apply for the chosen role (Game Journalist/Catalog Analyst/Site News Journalist). Including what interests you the most on ROBLOX is a definite plus, and you can also include your favourite past times on the site. Information about you have previously engaged with the community would also be a plus.

    3) Finally, include a sample article of your choice. If you are applying for the role of Game Journalist, please send a place review, strategy guide or news report on an upcoming game project. If you are applying for the role of Catalog Analyst, please send an item review, investment article or comparison post (Gear, Hat, Package). If you are applying for the role of Site News Journalist, please send an article based on a recent update to the ROBLOX site. This could include dynamic lighting, ROBLOX's presence at the Maker Faire or news about the upcoming BLOXXYs.

    Remember to include your ROBLOX username and your email you use to log in to blogger - we will need both of these if you are chosen to join our team! 

    The deadline to send in applications is Thursday 30th May 2013.

    Good luck to all applicants! We are looking forward to reading them!

    Editor of Roblox News


    1. Good luck everyone who enters!

      1. it ok arb i am sur u want to b staf but it haz to be fair 4 evryon els so u hav to be patient pls
        (Note, I don't talk like this)

    2. Application sent! I hope to be chosen as a Staff Member and I'd bring loads of skills with me! Good luck to everyone else.


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