
Monday, May 20, 2013

Memorial Day Survey: Retexture Race

Hi. IBarrageI here back from what seems a big break. (Exam troubles and whatnot have caused me to be inactive with RN for some time). But I am back now, ready to bring you more posts.

This post is about the Memorial Day poll going on right now. And this post is specifically about the retextures being voted in the survey to be published. (Side note: arbirator has told me to be totally unbiased when it comes to this post due to me being mentioned in this post. I might have difficulty with this :P)

First off we have the very humble "Sock" by the ever amusing Phantomazing

The Sock

Phantomazing made this retexture /number/ months ago to celebrate the Olympics, but it sadly never got published. So now the time has come for a survey with a chance to get a retexture published if enough people vote for it, he took it upon himself to start advertising it with this Sock-tastic ad.

This ad has proved to be effective as it has passed 1500 takes. Not bad for such a humble retexture.

Secondly we have the clown mask by Plasticine.

Trollin' Clown [Vote this!]

Ok, I'll admit it, I'm scared of clowns, (I think that's because of the fact they seem to be always smiling) and I am also scared of this retexture. This retexture is an inventive one, using the comedy mask to then create such a creepy and awesome clown mask. This retexture is also being advertised using a block style ad with a dark theme to it.


Plasticine's retexture has passed 1900 takes, and is one of the retextures in with a good chance of getting high in the rankings.

Next we have the silver tea kettle by the upcoming retexturer Sporeman15.

Silver Teakettle Of Pwnage (VOTE FOR [READ DESC])

Now, I understand how much work has been put into this retexture, as I know how the texture on that mesh is made up. As quoting from the man himself "it wasn't easy, it was a massive game of trial and error".

He has currently got 2 ads running on this retexture and boy are they eye catching.

Giving a users a question to answer in an ad is a great way to bring attention to it, meaning that now over 2100 people have taken it making it one of the 5 front runners in this retexture race.

Next we have the Rainbow Crown of Ozymandias by JewleyCat

Rainbow Crown of Ozymandias [VOTE]

Once again I understand the pain that must of gone into this retexture. As there are so many different parts to this texture that you wouldn't believe, even if you located them all on the mesh, you would still have a hard time retexturing it. I salute you *citation*, this is an incredible show of determination

Now we are coming up to main "power forces" in this race, and this is where I break arbirator's rule.

Here we have the Bluesteel Bathysphere. A "comical?" creation by DarkGenex.

Bluesteel Bathysphere REDUX [VOTE TODAY]

Ok, I'll say it. Is Bluesteel rust proof? I guess I wouldn't want to be the person finding out.

DarkGenex is an old hand when it comes to these surveys, while he recently got Blizzaria: The Frozen published for the President's day sale via the survey, due to it being mass advertised. And now he is back and more crazier than ever with his masterful creation? Mass advertising once again.

He is using maximum bids of 99,999 tickets on ads, and this now has gotten him over 6800 in the time of just 4-5 days (yikes).

Brighteyes revealed a few days ago that DarkGenex's retexture and another one are roughly 20 votes apart. "What retexture?" I bet you are all asking.

Well I have left the best till last (I'm disappointed in you ~arbirator), and there is no doubt that this is the best retexture in the race (seriously you're fired ~arbirator). It is the amazing (I won't tell you again ~arbirator) Crimsonwrath, Lord of the Magma by IBarrageI.

Ok, less of the bias now and more of the explanation behind this retexture. Ok so the first time I saw the original hat, I thought to myself, "that is an interesting mesh, I bet I could make that more impressive" and then just decided to be unoriginal and turn it into Crimsonwrath but more dark and rock covered. I have tried on many occasions tried to get it published via the Black Friday/President's Day surveys but failed miserably. So this time I decided to mass advertise it to give it attention. 8 ads all running at the same time, I eventually got 5000 copies taken within a 4-5 day period and has now become slightly viral with many other retextures such as the clown mask by plasticine and the bathysphere by DarkGenex creating ads "slamming" Crimsonwrath.

Examples of the slam ads:

But less of my story. Who do you think is going to win?
Let us know in the comments below. And we'll see if you are correct.

(Have you got an awesome retexture story you'd like to tell me about? Pm me on roblox (username: IBarrageI) and I may end up interviewing you for roblox news.)


  1. I think Bathysphere only because LOTM would cause inflation.


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