
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Review: Hunter's Life II by Kaeto

Hunter's Life II is easily one of the more peculiar games I've reviewed, boredly browsing the site and bringing my eye to the game page, I noticed this interesting game and based off the picture it seemed to be relatively okay, so I clicked it and here we are now. But before we start, I can already see you're getting a weird "oder paradise" vibe from this game but it's much more than that, to be honest I'm surprised the game hasn't been criticized more for the spouse system it features. Don't know what I'm talking about? You will soon.


Upon starting the game you are greeted with the "start" button and a tutorial which I strongly recommend you to read so you're not confused. After that, you pick your gender, armor, and your hood/hair or whatever is of your preference. But after that you're dropped into a church which serves as your main spawn point but let's not get too ahead of ourselves, we have to examine the hunter's equipment;

The bow is the most traditional weapon of the hunter, mostly used for hunting animals and... that's about it. (credit to a random user for this thumbnail) You're also given a torch with a broken flame particle but it still has the lighting so that's good I guess. You also have a retextured Claymore that can only slash. The arsenal isn't exactly the most exciting thing ever, but we'll get to the mechanics shortly.

The main hub is a decently sized village that includes the church, a bunch of empty houses for players and their spouses to live in. Also some shops that are set up as mostly stalls. NOW for the actual thing inside the game's name, the hunting.
Hunting is a pretty simple process, you walk out into the forest that extends outside the village to a forest full of bushes which you walk up to and will usually contain (a rabbit, squirrel, deer, bear, mountain lion, crabs or boar) so the animal variety is decent but after you get an animal to pop out of a bush you'll either be chasing them down with your bow, or if it's a bear then probably running for your life while backpedaling into a tree and sealing your imminent demise. I forgot to mention, when hunting at night wolves will randomly spawn and try to kill you, so that's fun. But there are other methods of hunting besides chasing your prey with a bow, you can buy 3 types of traps from the hunting tools vendor back in the village, snares, salt licks, or crab boxes.

Snares can be set up pretty much anywhere, but will only usually net you a rabbit or squirrel. Salt licks can be tied up to trees, and deer will usually be captured by this trap. Crab boxes can be set up in the beach area at the back of the map and will catch well, crabs.

Hunting isn't exactly the most complicated system, you get meat from animals you kill which can either be used to feed your family or trade for gold to buy new weapons, traps, or however you want to spend it. So moving onto the oh so lovely spouse system.

The spouse system is probably the most er, interesting part of the game? To put it in short, there are many random male and female npcs roaming around the village which at any time you can ask "wil u mere me" after buying a house, yes the only condition for getting a spouse is not having any sort of effort, just having a house. After you get to level 10, the game will allow you to have a child after preforming the "ritual of 69 dragons" (yes yes i know). So after all of that hard work your lovely child looks like well you can see by the image provided. Also I forgot to mention an issue with the game, your waifu (or husbando!) will disintegrate into slabs of plastic upon spawning about 70% of the time, so just keep hitting that fix button until they eventually are fixed or just leave them in that "dead" state, you sick person.

Is your spouse troubling you? Are you bored of them? Well that's not a problem! Just pay the conveniently placed Divorce Wizard to send them on their merry way, aka "remove" them! Other than a few minor things I didn't cover like baby clothes, and buying pets the game doesn't have much else to offer, so let's wrap it up.


The village is passable, it's not good, but it's not bad either. The main map on the other hand, really needs some more depth since a bunch of spheres for the "boundaries" is a kind of unacceptable at this point..


The idea of an RPG-Sim game sounds interesting, with the family idea and all, but it doesn't really work since as I said before it's kind of buggy and a bit limited but that's understandable. I give the creator credit for trying something new, and somewhat getting it right.


Kaeto has not created a bad game by any means, but cringeworthy jokes about the spouse system aside, the idea behind it is really cool, the execution, not so much. There could be a lot more effort put into the map even if it isn't the main showcase of the game it still looks ugly, especially the hunting grounds. I'm torn honestly, if there was more focus put into polishing the mechanics that were there instead of adding crap like "baby clothes" and "swords" which I'm unsure were really needed.

At this point I'm just rambling, I'll attempt to keep an eye on this game in the future and I suggest you do the same if this is your thing at all.

Updates and other things like that

Well, it been at least a week since I've written an article but I expect the absences will get worse over time as I get more and more assignments and homework, ugh. I will try my best to get the next part of the ROBLOX Battle guide out even if the game isn't exactly that popular right now, also about that Labor Day Sale coverage that's long over and I've already been beaten on that front. For now, I think I'll be going back to basics like strategy guides since I found myself just "rushing" this review out. So until we meet again anonymous readers, good day.

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