
Friday, September 6, 2013

ROBLOX Labor Day Sale Summary

Hello, everybody. Axelthehedgehog here with my first blog post in quite a long time. I'll be summarizing the absolutely horrible Labor Day "sale", if you can even call it that, in this article.

I apologize in advance if some of my information is off. I didn't actually pay very good attention to what happened during this sale; the discounts, the limiteds, etc. But I'll do my best.

Firstly, I'll review the actual sales of the sale.

Mr. Tentacles
Mr. Tentacles
Mr. Tentacles was discounted to 7,070 robux from its original price of 9,090 robux. A decent discount, although I remember getting it for only 5,050 robux during a previous sale, so it could've been better. It is currently still discounted.

Snake Eyes
Snake Eyes
Snake Eyes, eyewear popular among online daters, was discounted to 100 robux from its original price of 150 robux. It is currently still discounted.

Fried Chicken Fedora
Fried Chicken Fedora
The Fried Chicken Fedora, a hat that came out pretty recently, was discounted to 1,000 robux from its original price of 1,261 robux. Again, I remember this being up for 750 robux when it first was released, so the sale could've been lower.

Father Time
Father Time
Father time was discounted to 450 robux from its original price of 550 robux.

RAIG Table
RAIG Table
The RAIG Table, a gear based off of a popular text meme, was discounted to 200 robux from its original price of 300 robux.

Cloak of the Undying
Cloak of the Undying
Cloak of the Undying, an item discounted in many sales in the past, was discounted again. Sadly I never saw what the discount was, but I believe it was somewhere in the range of 500 - 800 robux from its original price of 1,000 robux.

Fallen Artemis Bow
Fallen Artemis Bow
The Fallen Artemis Bow, an awesome-looking gear, was discounted to 1,250 robux from its original price of 2,500 robux, possibly the largest discount in the sale.

The ro-torcycle was discounted to 500 robux from its original price of 1,000 robux.

Next, I'll review the offsale items that were put back onsale for a limited time.

Stage Prop
Stage Prop
The Stage Prop, an extremely popular ticket hat among less wealthy users, was voted back onsale after going offsale less than a month earlier. It went onsale at a ridiculous price of 100 robux. A cheap price, but considering the original price was a mere 50 tickets, it definitely should have been lower - there were no ticket hats in this sale.

Nuclear Arms
Nuclear Arms
Nuclear Arms, a gear I thought to be somewhat unpopular, was put back onsale at a price of 1,000 robux. It didn't sell too many times.

Wizards of the Astral Isles: Pegasus
Wizards of the Astral Isles: Pegasus
The very fun gear Wizards of the Astral Isles: Pegasus went back onsale for its original price of 2,000 robux.

Katana of the Ninth Moon
Katana of the Ninth Moon
The Katana of the Ninth Moon, a pretty rare gear, went back onsale for its original price of 5,000 robux, and sold quite a lot of times considering its expense.
Teapot Hat
Teapot Hat
Now call me a rager or a crybaby if you want, but I was absolutely outraged by the Teapot Hat. Not the fact that it came back onsale - in fact it was the one hat I was truly looking forward to getting - but the ludicrous price it was put at. A whopping 20,000 robux!!! Its original price was only 1,337 robux, and I was hoping it would be that or at least close to it. But 20,000, that's just ridiculous.

Brighteyes claimed on her twitter when asked about the idiotic price that she made it that expensive to "keep it rare". But other classic hats, such as Biggerhead, Silverthorn Antlers, and Red Stetson went onsale for their original prices disproving BE's logic.

To top off the ridiculousness, the Teapot Hat was only onsale for about 4 hours, giving Teapot lovers very few time to scrape together their 20K and buy it. I myself was not able to buy it because I was not expecting such a huge price jump.

Next I'll summarize the items that went limited.

Mr. Hatbot
Mr. Hatbot
Mr. Hatbot actually would've made a good profit if roblox hasn't announced to everyone that it was going limited. Everyone with 5k robux to spare went and bought themselves a Mr. Hatbot mistakenly thinking that they could profit. It is currently selling at a failing price of around 3,500 robux as opposed to its original 5,000.

Deluxe Ninja Swordpack
Deluxe Ninja Swordpack
Because making the original Swordpack limited apparently wasn't bad enough, the community voted the Deluxe version onsale. As expected with the high price and massive number of sales, it failed and is selling for around its original price of 250 robux, a failing price when you include the tax.

Ice Coldphones
Ice Coldphones
Another poor choice of an item to go limited, Ice Coldphones are selling for just above their original price at around 325 - 350 robux, a small fail.

Emerald Clawed OneCanute the Great
Canute the Great   &  Emerald Clawed One

The two ROBLOX Card-only items Emerald Clawed One and Canute the Great went limited during the sale as well. Canute the Great was bought by a user with very poor judgment for 10,000 robux when it first went limited because of the hype. Despite the massive first sale, it's currently selling at a measly price of only 300 robux. Emerald Clawed One is selling for around 250.

Bluesteel Domino Crown
Bluesteel Domino Crown
The only item that went limited during the sale and didn't sell for failing prices. With the going limited of the Bluesteel Domino Crown, the entire Domino Crown series is now limited. The Bluesteel Domino Crown initially was hyped up and was up[but never sold] at prices of 200,000 - 500,000 robux. As the hype died down and more owners got online to sell, it dropped to prices of 100 - 150,000 robux and its first official sale was at a price of about 93,000 robux.

Next I'll review brand-new hats.

Skool Champion
Skool Champion
Skool Champion is a cool-looking iron helmet with not some sort of animal tusks, but PENCILS for horns. Priced at a cheap price of 150 robux.

King of the Classroom
King of the Classroom
King of the Classroom is a regal-looking crown, but with classroom elements replacing fancy metals and elegant gems. Erasers design the front of the crown with crayons and one large pencil surrounding the inside. Priced at a fairly cheap 200 robux, a good price for a crown.

Firebrand Wings
Firebrand Wings
The Firebrand Wings came out pretty late at night. Their original price was 300 robux and 1500 were sold. At first they sold at prices of 600 - 800 robux because people were desperate for last-minute sale money, but as the sale ended and the hype decreased, it casually rose to prices of 1,250 - 1,500 robux, a price range I think a pair of awesome-looking dragon wings deserves.

Leopard Fedora

Leopard Fedora & LOLzard 
These 2 hats aren't actually new, but they were both glitched and unbuyable when released. They both had the same price, 150 robux, and were both onsale for about 24 hours. Almost 3x as many Leopard Fedoras sold as LOLzards, but I guess I can understand why people would want a snazzy-looking animal fedora rather than a lizard that sits on your face.

And now, everyone's favorite part of a sale: the retextures!

Back to School for N00bs
Back to School for N00bs
A retexture nobody was expecting, a limited book hat. Its original price was 100 robux and it sold 2500 copies. It's currently selling for roughly 2x its original price making a small profit for any original owners. It was a retexture of an actual user retexture named 'ROBLOX for Noobs' - by ninjabart122.

Flying Nightmare
Flying Nightmare
Another very unexpected retexture, a red version of the Royal Faerie Wings. Its original price was 900 robux and it sold 1000 copies. Even though it was cheaper and had the same stock as the Royal Faerie Wings, it is currently selling at about 1,250 robux, an unfortunate fail of a price.

Snow Leopard Fedora
Snow Leopard Fedora by Voxhall
Voxhall's Snow Leopard Fedora was published a few hours after the original Leopard Fedora. It is 150 robux, an excellent price for such a good-looking hat, and is currently still onsale.

Black Iron Bucket of Ultimate Pwnage
Black Iron Bucket of Ultimate Pwnage by godsend
The retexture that everyone was looking forward to the most, the Black Iron Bucket of Ultimate Pwnage. It was priced at a very high 13,337 robux and was on sale for about 13 hours. Despite the fact that it wasn't limited, which I'm sure disappointed many bucket-lovers, it sold over 600 times in the time it was onsale. If it goes limited any time this year, and possibly any time next, it will probably fail because of its high price and high number of sales, but it looks absolutely awesome and is a cool item to own.

Duke of the Federation
Duke of the Federation
And finally, the hugest and most valuable item in the sale by far, Duke of the Federation. The texture for this hat was leaked on Let's Make a Deal, but not many people expected Roblox would actually go through with making ANOTHER Lord of the Federation. But sure enough, it came out in the middle of one of the sale days. Its original price was a massive 100,000 robux and it sold 25 copies. Despite its high stock[for an item that expensive], it sold out in less than a minute. It was first sold for 1,000,000 robux and the largest value it was ever traded for was Ice Crown[2.8M+] + Rainbow Shaggy[800k - 1M] + Illumina[1 - 1.2M] + ): Purple Indy[300 - 350k]

Well, in my personal opinion, the sale was a huge disappointment. Most of the discounts were too low to be exciting, the limiteds were either too cheap to make a decent profit or too expensive for the majority of roblox to even afford, and the items that went back on sale were close to 20x their original prices.

This "sale", if it even deserves the title of "sale", was, in this blogger's opinion, the worst one we've had by far. I really hope roblox blows us away with the next one, because this really knocked off some respect points.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my wordwall on the Labor Day Sale. Message me on roblox if you have any questions about this article or about the sale.


1 comment:

  1. "Ice Crown[2.8M+] + Rainbow Shaggy[800k - 1M] + Illumina[1 - 1.2M] + ): Purple Indy[300 - 350k]"

    I wonder who could have gotten an offer like this! ;)


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