
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Developing a Successful Game - Tips and Tricks to Help You - Part III

Hello readers! CYNICALCHRIS here, and this articles is going to be all about how an average user, such as yourself, can become famous, and rich, through game development. I don't want to sound "cocky" when I say this, so you must understand that these tips are coming from ACTUAL successful game developers...


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Roblox Place review: Blackhawk Rescue Mission 3

Blackhawk Rescue mission
By: PlatinumFive

Why hello there, xLando bringing you another place review!


Monday, May 26, 2014

Introducing: Look of the Week!

Hey everybody!

I'm Supermario311, and I am hosting a new weekly post, called Look Of The Week.
It is simple, send me the link of your own made outfit on a message on ROBLOX. If I think your outfit outshines every other entry, it will win and will be up on the blog for a week! I will talk about how I like it, and give it a rating, as well as how to make it better.
Now you have the opportunity to show off your creativity! 

How to enter Look Of The Week:
1: Go to 'Character'
2: Go to the 'Outfit' option and click 'Create New Outfit'.
3: Click the Gear button beside the outfit and select 'Download As Image'
4: Copy the link and send the message to 'Supermario311' with the title 'Look Of The Week'
(I always read my messages, so don't worry!)

I will pick the winner hopefully every Sunday, so even if you don't win, you have another chance each week(The more valuable/ expensive the outfit is, the better).

On some occasions, like Halloween or Christmas, I might do a big Look Of The Month, where I will be on a server, and will do a 3rd, 2nd and 1st place award! 

I hope you enjoy this new competition. Good Luck!

This is a Community Article written by supermario311. He put forward this mini-contest idea to Roblox News, and we will be following this up every weekend. Look out for our weekly 'Look of the Week' posts from supermario!

Edited by Arbirator 


Friday, May 23, 2014

Memorial Day Sale 2014: Expectations

Since like, last year, or something, ROBLOX has had tons of sales during the year, including the largest sale, Black Friday, then some smaller ones, like Veteran's Day, President's Day, and, well, Memorial Day. A recent poll went out to all users where they could vote for what items they wanted limited, on sale, discounted, etc. Well, today, the poll results came in, and it doesn't look very exciting (though I do have some exciting leaks (shh) for the end of the post).


What will be the future for ROBLOX's first person shooter games?

As ROBLOX has advanced, the FPS genre has become more in depth and realistic as creators explore different scripts and new way to improve their FPS games. The talent of some builders have actually managed to make their games look at believable as popular shooters such as, Call Of Duty, Halo, Battlefield and many other top shooters on the market. The future seems to be getting more detailed with famous ROBLOX builder, Litozinnamon adding constant updates to 'Call Of Robloxia - Dev Tests' which improve the detail on weapons, added animations and new excellent gun sights. Also just like the real Call Of Duty, the creator has added different game modes such as Search And Destroy and Domination which gives the game a little more for the players to do, instead of constant TDMs (Team Death Match). However, even some of the best ideas slowly die down in popularity, such as, 'Avert The Odds II'. An excellent original shooter which sadly was forgotten, even though it had fantastic ideas.
Weapons in development.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Duck Hunt '14: Trailer

Hello, it's that time of the year when we start to develop the Duck Hunt. I'm actually looking for map makers, the maps should be big, and very well designed. To see a few other map designs, watch this:

This is the Duck Hunt so far, and I believe it could get very good with your help.

Personal message me on Roblox: Zakkeh

Monday, May 19, 2014

Developing a Successful Game - Tips and Tricks to Help You - Part II

Hello readers! CYNICALCHRIS here, and this articles is going to be all about how an average user, such as yourself, can become famous, and rich, through game development. I don't want to sound "cocky" when I say this, so you must understand that these tips are coming from ACTUAL successful game developers...


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Thank You Shedletsky!

From all of us at the Roblox News team, and everyone on ROBLOX, we thank you. You have inspired many young minds and adult minds alike, and have helped us all get to where we are today. You have helped Roblox progress for the past 8 years and I am thrilled to have had the chance to have met you, even if only for brief periods of time.

When I asked these people how you inspired them, I got these responses, and I am sure everyone agrees with them!


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Weekly Place Showcases: Week One

   Hey there, xLando here. Today I am bringing you last week's weekly place showcase. The weekly overview is when I find new, and exiting places each week, and give you a brief description of them. This can hopefully turn into a weekly article, alongside my regular place reviews. In a weekly overview,I normally showcase 5-7 games, depending on what I find. Note: The place may not be popular, but the point of this is to introduce you to new, and interesting places.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hat Review - Overseer Major General

Hello guys, IceFang here, hope you're enjoying the week and lets kick off with another addition to the Overseer collection. (Again?)

On first thoughts, it looks like a fairly decent hat, doesn't it?
Well, at least the last thing I would have thought it looked like when I clicked that link was this,

On a scale of 1-10,  how would I rate this hat?

Don't even ask why I'm questioning myself, I figured that it was a pretty interesting addition to this article xP. (Plus I needed to fill up space, otherwise I'm not doing my job.)

1) I'd give it a solid 6. Mostly because of the fact that most overseer hats are really nothing 'special' anymore yet this one has quite a good texture on it making it better than the average Overseer hat, yet I wouldn't agree too much on it's price. The overseer eye looks great where it is placed and the green, stone-like texture looks pretty cool around the rims of the helmet.

Is it worth buying?

2) Not that I want to discourage any of those Overseer lovers out there to prevent buying it, (Seriously, I'm not stopping you) But I really think the idea of this hat is not genuinely the best in it's series, I mean, it would have gone much better if it was a limited U, but the way it's styled doesn't keep it's door open for hat combos all that much. (As far as my creative mind goes, which is not saying something).
So I would keep the choice all up to you, the buyer, whether you think it would be a nice addition to your collection of hats.

Most of it's review score is down to it's price, it perhaps might have been better off at a starting price of 250 robux, but hey, you can't buy that Major General spot for nothing. ;)


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Developing a Successful Game - Tips and Tricks to Help You

Hello readers! CYNICALCHRIS here, and this articles is going to be all about how an average user, such as yourself, can become famous, and rich, through game development. I don't want to sound cocky when I say this, so you must understand that these tips are coming from ACTUAL successful game developers!


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Place Review: The Mad Murderer!

Venture into the popular game creator Loleris's world of The Mad Murderer! In this clever spinoff of Gary's Mod Murder, there are some really fun changes made, and original gameplay.

In the Mad Murder, One person is selected murderer, another Sheriff, and every other player is innocent.  I will now go through the roles of each title. However, the roles of sheriff can change, when the sheriff kills an innocent person, or dies, he/she drops his gun, any innocent can then pick it up, and become the sheriff.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Best place to win Player Points

Hello guys, this is just a short article to take you to the best place to earn Player Points, unfortunately it is BC only though the owner does make it NBC often.

The game is Swordfight for Points 2, created by 1waffle1. At this moment in time, it only has roughly 4,700 place visits, though I am sure it will gain more.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Interview with Luckymaxer

Recently I caught up with the newest Gear Scripter (and also my friend), Luckymaxer. He was hired around Valentines Day and scripts the gears that come on on Fridays, which I review on my weekly Gear Friday Overview articles. Anyways, I caught up with Luckymaxer and asked him about his past on ROBLOX, and his present on... well, ROBLOX.


Friday, May 2, 2014

Sneak Peak: Roblox News Egg Hunt 2014!

Before we begin we would like to address a common point raised by the community regarding our blog egg hunts. I often get asked why we are hosting an egg hunt when Easter has been and gone. The answer is simple: it is not an Easter hunt. If we were to run the event at Easter it would likely enjoy far less success due to the occurrence of an official, widely promoted egg made created by the Games team. We are also adding a twist this year; it is an all season egg hunt.

You'll see what we mean later.

Should ROBLOX introduce Play-in-Browser?

ROBLOX has hit a point of growth where the gamersphere of people in this community now have seen the light of the game ROBLOX. However, with an increasing number of innovative in-browser operating systems, including the Chromebook [which I am actually using right now for the first time while writing this], and operating systems that are mobile-esque and mobile-based, such as the new Computer-Modified Android OS that will be used on HP's upcoming and exciting new "Slatebook", are starting to create a new market for computers. Even though the OS usage across companies is still extremely segmented, the amassing number of tablets and browser-exclusive Operating Systems is eventually going to start making a huge market for itself.
hp slatebook 14 android
The new Android-based "Slatebook" should be releasing this
upcoming month. [Courtesy: HP]

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Roblox News App for Windows 8.1 has been submitted to the Store. (ALPHA Version)


Are Player Points fair?

I have to admit, that Player Points are highly unfair, and they are another way for Roblox to get people to buy things. Robloxians have started buying more Robux so they can then spend their Robux on buying Player Points or buying items that give Available Player Points. So even though they disguise these Player Points behind words talking about how it will let people become known, it really is another ploy in gaining more money for themselves.