Job Positions

How to apply:

To apply, you must send an application explaining why you think you are the right person for the job. Your email should be structured like this:

  • Roblox Hobbies
  • Sample of work
  • Why you should be chosen to part of Roblox News
  • Credentials

Once I receive this I will email back within 48 hours and tell you whether or not I have hired you.
When we announce we are hiring, you have to send an application or a job. We look through all of the applications and choose the best to join our team. In future we may change this process to specific job hiring where we announce vacancies for specific roles. PLEASE BE-AWARE that the description listed below does not mean there is an openings for the job. If there are any openings it will be listed below the description "VACANCY: Available".

Vacancies Available:


Site Journalist:


Available Vacancies: 0



We need programmers for building and maintaining our mobile apps. You will be in charge of creating iOS apps that provides a feed of latest posts on Roblox News.

Available Vacancies: 0



Builders assist with creating models or places that we use for events such as Halloween, Paintball, Easter Egg Hunt, and more.

Available Vacancies: 0


Game Journalist:

Game Journalists write place reviews on games on Roblox. These place reviews must be top standard.

Available Vacancies: 0


Graphics Designer:

Graphics Designers are in charge of creating graphics for our Website, Games, and mobile apps. We are looking for smart, creative and self-motivated.

Available Vacancies: 0


Catalog Analyst:

Catalog Analysts are pretty easily interpreted. Catalog Analysts analyse the new items on the catalog and write reviews on them items. Catalog Analysts also are able to write about new & upcoming items in the catalog.

Available Vacancies: 0


  1. Sent my application and gear review in. Sure hope I get the job :D

  2. Can I be a Graphics designer please?

  3. Hey I want to be a Catalog Analyst and.. well that will be good enough. My name on ROBLOX is Tro88

  4. I would like to be a Site Journalist

  5. Hey,
    I'd be willing to work as a catalog analyst.
    I'm into limiteds and such and am on top of the catalog so I know my stuff.
    PM me. My username is Bombingbeast

    1. I wanna be a Catalog Analyst to. I like buying hats, clothing, packages and gear.I would love to give any open rating gear, package, shirt, pants ect. a rating. My hat goal is: Dominus Astra. I really want to be a Catalog Analyst. :)

  6. If I ever got the chance to, I would be a Game Reviewer.
    I see that no areas are open but still ; )

  7. I would like to be a Game Journalist, like Max Benedek. Account:obrayan123

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I have sent my application in for Catalog Analyst, almost forgot my e-mail I use for blogger. Please read the two e-mails I sent in, thanks!


  11. I am looking to become a games journalist. I have found that Maxxz reviews on youtube have set me toward a goal to become a news reporter. Also I am trying to become prepared for later in life when I look for a job. I would work and stay focused on new games that have just recently come out like "Murderer". I am a reliable person that gets the job done when it is asked the first time. Please send me an in game messege of what you think and let me know if I should get started or not becasue I will start as soon as possible. My user name is: Dumbumb123.

    Thank you.

  12. I want to be a game journalist. I have a practice review if you want one. My username is: Sonicdude5787

    1. What is the code for the Black Pinstripe Fedora and I'm a journalist too?��

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Can i be catalog analyst because i use mostly positive comments unless it's like blah so i think I'll be a good catalog analyst

  15. The advantages of this accessible on the net Announcer Jobs Zjob4u intended for learners tend to be a key component intended for learners to try and do his or her education and learning along with follow this career they've got imagined of for countless years.

  16. my user name is kostya1972 game journalist

  17. the news of roblox group is getting bigger and bigger soon there will be a lot of people

  18. Hello. I am Andrew. I am and have been a review writer since 2013. I started out on tumblr, and I wanted to get a bigger view of myself. When I saw RobloxNews I knew it was obviously the perfect fit for me. I am a Roblox Game Reviewer, and I would like to apply for Game Journalist. My email is (made a long time ago so dumb email I know) If the comment section of this isnt the place to send an application, please email me where to do it. You can also PM me roblox username: GodOfFrost/Swishatron where to send it. Thanks for reading! ---GodOfFrost

  19. I would love to be the one to fill the Catalog Analyst position. I have been reviewing LEGO products for a year or two now and have gotten the hang of how to review an item. Before I buy an item, I make it a point to come here and check what others have said about it before making a decision about my purchase. If you think I may fit the position, please shoot me a PM on my Roblox account. Thank you for your time and thanks for considering me - MrDarthhenry

  20. Can I Be Site Journalist. Roblox Username: TheGhostBox

  21. I want To be a Catalog Analyst cuz I watch The Catalog More Than 10 Times A Week. I know How to Rate Every Item In The Catalog.
    Account Name: Dragonzunited

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Being someone that visits the catalog every day to see what's new to buy, I think that I could make out to be a valiant Catalog Analyst. I tend to visit the catalog daily, as aforementioned, and view all of the items. I find it quite fun to go from page to page and check out each item, and if I see something nice, I tend to favorite it. I've been a Roblox Member since late 2008, and I've seen the catalog change through the years, but the items tended to continuously get better and better as time went on. The quality and creativity that we, as a community, depend on for great items in the catalog has a growing attention that should be pointed in the right direction, and that is where the Catalog Analysts would come in. If there is any sort of job opening for the Catalog Analyst, it would be amazing if I were to be picked to point these people in the right direction to the best of items. There would be constant smiles on my face if people were to join a game I'm in with something I, myself, reviewed. Please, take this application into approval, I've been hoping to actually start to contribute and give back to the Roblox community ever since I've been deemed a Robloxian from Roblox's classic era, and it would be a privilege to become a member of your staff.

    Roblox Username: Tejroe

  24. How do I send an application?

  25. Where can I find the application?

  26. I would like to apply for game jornalist. Where is the applications? If this is the applications, PM me at K06Tweety (the 0 is a zero)

    1. Pm arbirator on roblox... The intern program deadline ended though...

  27. I would to apply for the job of Game Journalist or either Catalog Analyst. My reviews will take the place or item into a new perspective in catalog shopping and playing games. They'd be in depth judging the item or game for reasons that differ from each other, producing that popular and useful review people have been taking days to find one just like the one I shall produce.
    It would also be a pleasure joining your staff on the job.

    My ROBLOX username is Dashingsoldier

  28. Hi, I'd like to be a Game Journalist. Please take your time to read what I have to say, thanks. I always wanted to report on something when I was younger. School helped me a bit, but my passion was also games. I wanted to do a report or a review on a game. I saw your advert on Roblox and I'd like to join. My Roblox username is RobotoRoblox.

    Please let me know if I've been considered for the next opening, I know it's not available at the moment. Thanks for your time

  29. I would like to be a Game Journalist. I am mature, I don't curse, and I am fair. If i become a Game Journalist I would review everything fairly, and not abuse the powers as a Game Journalist. Roblox account: FrederickWillaim

  30. This is among the 1st few job search sites which usually practically designed a revolution in the jobs in usa market place. It has not been an abrupt go up somewhat a slow one.

  31. i want to be a Catalog Analyst
    my roblox username is Songokyu

  32. We are hiring! Check this out writers!

  33. I hope They respond soon so I know if I got the job!

  34. I hope They respond soon so I know if I got the job! This is the real guy not that hacker. But the account It is on know is just a different one!

  35. I want to be builder pls tell me when the Job is open thxs Roblox you are the best game out there

  36. Guys, they are no longer hiring. Did you notice that the site hasn't had a blog post since 2015?

  37. Bet I gonna password guess some old accounts today

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Any positions open at the moment?


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