Jahrblox is working on the website. Here’s what he has to say about himself…
Right now I’m gathering ideas for cool new features in ROBLOX, and thinking about how to make all the features easy to use. Another part of my job is to make the graphics look cool.

Builderman and Telamon are always full of great ideas! Talking with them always gets me excited about what we’ll work on next. Sometimes I also team up with RobloTim and RobloSam.
I like learning about the latest gadgets and video games, and reading tech blogs like Engadget and Gizmodo. I love the original LucasArts games, like Loom and the first Secret of Monkey Island. I also like playing cards and board games. I went to college at the University of Notre Dame. I studied Mechanical Engineering and Graphic Design.
To ROBLOX Users: You guys have so many cool ideas for games! I always like checking out the latest and coolest new games on ROBLOX.
Timobius is working on the ROBLOX physics engine, the geometry of ROBLOX parts, and the Building Tools. So basically the ROBLOX Studio and game itself.
He works mostly with Madrak, Langoliers and Erik.Cassel.
For hobbies he likes to play the drums and fly RC Airplanes!

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