Q1) What do you think about the latest updates (BC games)? Are they logical? And futher back updates like BC gear and Hats?
A1)Well, in my opinion, I see what the admins are doing. Bringing the place traffic award for BC'ers up to 2/3 tickets encourages people to buy BC to support the site and themselves in real life. Same goes for the hats and gear. It may cause rioting, protests and such, but people are over-exaggerating. There are 1000s of free games to play, and 100s of hats and gear available to all players.
Q2) Do you approve of modern day ROBLOX (e.g. The new GUI, more advanced scripts etc) or do you wish old ROBLOX could be re-introduced?
A2)I suppose they have released some pretty neat features, like the triple hat glitch and other things. But the new GUI kind of messes up some games that have user-made GUIs, it would be much easier if the place owner had an option to have new GUIs in his place or the old ones we used to have. And more advanced scripting is a good challenge for advanced scripters, but unfortunate for learners and beginners. And maybe a few aspects of old ROBLOX to modern day would be nice, with the old video contests etc.
Q3)What do you like to do on ROBLOX the most? If it is a skill (i.e. Scripting, Building) are you good at?
A3)Ah, I love foruming on the forums. I started back in early 2009 and since then have attained over 21,000 forum posts and frequently experience having the Top 100 Poster badge.
And building, I love building. I like testing my abilities and trying to C-Frame good pieces of work.
And scripting, I'm currently learning how to try and script Lua with the help of a few guides, and so far so good.
Plus I love to brickbattle and swordfight and have successfully achieved 20,000+ knockouts.
So if you take everything and all my abilities, I'm pretty much an "all-rounder".
Q4)Who is your favourite admin? And why?
A4)My favourite admin would probably have to be Telamon. He makes pretty amazing places which you could stay at for hours. And any time he is on the forums he brings humour and interacts well with the community, plus he brings some sweet updates.
Q5)Do you consider famous players such as "SONICTHEHEDGEHOGXX and bobatheman" what most people call "Noobs"?
A5)Well, in my opinion, no. You see, the haters on sonic are just angry at his fame for getting millions of place visits using free models and rage at him. When he comes on the forum, he's a pretty cool and nice guy but most people attack him and insult him because of his fame.
Next to hopefully be interviewed - RangeMeludE
Keep refering to Roblox news for great interviews!
Good interview.