Q1) How did you find out about ROBLOX and what made you want to stay?
A) One of my friends showed me ROBLOX, which at first I didn't like. A few months later we started to play, both of us liked the game selection.
Q2) What was the first game you ever played? Was it memorable, why?
A) The first game I played was Elemental Wars, by Kinglime. Unlike most games of that time, Elemental Wars covered all the aspects of a fun game. And even more prevalent was it’s ability to entertain me, consistently. It never seemed boring.
Q3) Who is your favourite admin and why?
A) Telamon; he keeps in contact with the community, answers questions, and is just a nice guy.
Q4) Over the years you have been on ROBLOX which was your favourite contest?
A) Of the few contest I've seen, my favorite was the ROBLOX Tutorial Video Contest, in the summer of 2009.
Q5) What is your all time favourite item?
A) Night Vision Goggles
Q6) Who is your favourite Robloxian and why?
A) GollyGreg, he's a nice guy and a revolutionary.
Q7) What is your favourite thing on ROBLOX and why?
A) Making games with friends. It's twice as efficient, fun, and overall just games for a better game.
Q8) What tips would you give someone who wanted to become and renound builder?
A) Be original, be creative. Focus on detail and take it one step at a time. Building requires patients.
Q9) What do you think of the upcoming Trading feature?
A) It'll be helpful and fun to use, while at the same time prevent a large portion of scams, if not all.
Q10) What is your all time favourite place on ROBLOX?
A) Favorite place, that's difficult. I'd have to say Crossroads.
Q11) What do you think about the new updates and features over the past year, have they improved ROBLOX?
A) Yeah definitely, they've made it a lot easier for users to express their creativity. They also made a lot more things to do around the website.
Q12) And finally. What do you think is good about the forums and why?
A) Probably that users can express their opinions and concerns so easily, the forums pretty much are a way for tons of users to communicate at the same time.
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