1) How did you become such a dab hand at ad making on ROBLOX?
Once I realized that I had some potential, I started getting into deeper detail in each little shape, and I just started selling them, and I noticed that not only did I like them, so did everyone else.
2) Why do you think your ad services are so famous?
I personally think they are famous because I change up my theme regularly, so I make a few new styles when I am bored and I decide which I will use.
3) In your opinion, what should you say it the best ad you had ever made?
Probably my best ad was the one I made for Parlement which was for his tycoon, 'Hyperion's Revenge'.
4) Chicken or Turkey?
Chicken, due to the fact that they taste better in my opinion and I have always thought for them to be cuddly.
5) How much do you usually sell an ad for? Are there different prices for different types of ad? (banner, skyscraper etc.)
They all cost the same which is 333 Robux, most of the times people will tell me what type of ad they would like, but there is always that customer that doesn't say, so I go with what has the most clicks.
6) How long do you usually spend on making a ROBLOX ad?
On the average ad I usually spend around 10 to 30 minutes on one ad, so I will be hard to keep up with every request, but I still manage.
7) What is the longest amount of time you have spent creating an ad?
Probably the longest time I spent on a ad was 1 Hour, because I was trying to make a new pattern design along with all the requested information.
8) Who would you say is the best shirt maker on ROBLOX?
Well it is hard to say, because I never really do buy shirts, but I would probably go with VendettaTheGreat, you know him being great and all.
9) What is your favourite place?
My favorite place is 'Légèreté de la liberté' which was created by 'StuntMan007', I love the Cframing in that place, it is amazing. I too know how to CFrame, which is one of my many skills.
10) Finally, what would you say to a player who wanted to make awesome ads?
I would probably say, if you really want to do good, it takes great dedication and skill, but skill can be earned through dedication.
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