Recently, Roblox released a new bow tie, called the Holly Jolly Bowtie. It is a nice retexture by Phantomazing, however, this hat has some problems. Let's get on to the review.
Mesh: 8/10
This is the mesh Roblox uses on every bow tie that is published. It's pretty realistic, but simple.
Texture: 10/10
Phantomazing did a great job with the texture. He really made it look as if this was a real bow tie, and also did an excellent job on the trees that are throughout the bow tie.
Style: 9/10
This bow tie looks really good on you. As the description says, "You'll look great at all of your fancy holiday parties in this awesome bowtie!". The description is right on it, you will look great in this awesome bow tie.
Overall: 9/10
Now, you might be wondering, "If this is such a great retexture, why will it fail?". The answer is, the price. There are only 500 copies of this bow tie in existence, and they all originally sold for R$500. Honestly, I think this bow tie was way overpriced. Besides, it's pretty small on your Robloxian. Because of the price, it sold at a slow rate. In other words, it took a while before all 500 Holly Jolly Bow Ties were sold. This is also a problem. When Limiteds sell slowly, people have more time to buy them at their original price. When Limiteds sell fast, people who missed out on getting it will want to buy it. Basically, Limiteds that sell at a slow rate aren't in demand. Also, this hat doesn't have much favorites. The Holly Jolly Bowtie currently has around 40 favorites. The Santa Chimney Top Hat, which was another Limited released, has around 90 favorites and is selling great.
In my advice, do not buy the hat because you will lose money. You should only buy it if you want to wear it in-game. You will lose R$100 if you sell this now, and you'll probably lose R$300 after New Year's Eve. It's a great bow tie, but you can't make much profit off of it.
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