I recognized the name Seranok, as he forums frequently on RT. The aim of the place is to test any gear item you want. You can test your own gear, or pull some from the catalog. You spawn in a little cube (shown in the thumbnail) where you may test gear by yourself, become other players, or go to the battle area. If you wish to pull something from the catalog, there is a very cool GUI that can be accessed by clicking the "Show GUI" button. It shows a very well detailed miniature version of the catalog including every item published by ROBLOX. It even includes the price of each item! To the lower right of the spawn there is a teleport. There you can test your gear on other people. When I entered the battle area, I was spawnkilled by a banhammer. Once I respawned, I went back in and placed a turret before he could kill me. He then insulted me and left the game. Every time I went to the battle area there was someone who spawned and immediately tried to kill everything that moved. Although it became quite frustrating, I could still find ways to outsmart them. Here's a video of my adventures:
The map of the battle area is simple, but it's cool. (PROTIP; The Kami Potion is very effective.) There's even a little sniping area you can use for massive KOs! Many players like to use the Rising Sun Katana in battle. To beat them, you have to get creative. I placed Snowman Turrets while sneaking up on them with the Bat Blade and killing them. There are too many tactics to list here; Why don't you try it yourself? ;)
Gameplay: 10/10
I enjoyed this game very much. It was a great way to come up with new gear fight tactics.
Reviewers Lag: 9/10
There was little to no lag at all.
Problems: 10/10
I experienced no problems.
Building: 10/10
Everything was seamless.
GUI 10/10
All of the GUIs were very simple. Even guests were playing with gear!
Player Enjoyment: 10/10
No negative reviews so far.
OVERALL: 10/10
Great game, I recommend this to everyone. Definitely check out this game if you want to test some items or pwn some n00bs.
Thank you to Explosion101, for another great Community Article! Explosion101 is an excellent writer and could make a fine addition to our team one day!

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