BLOXikins: Hat Reviews
Along with the new ROBLOX Halloween Event came some prizes. And by some, I mean 31 prizes. They are all cute little "BLOXikins," which sit on your shoulder. Even number BLOXikins sit on your right shoulder, while odd numbered ones sit on your left shoulder. So, in this article I will be separately reviewing each and every BLOXikin (good luck to me).
Along with the new ROBLOX Halloween Event came some prizes. And by some, I mean 31 prizes. They are all cute little "BLOXikins," which sit on your shoulder. Even number BLOXikins sit on your right shoulder, while odd numbered ones sit on your left shoulder. So, in this article I will be separately reviewing each and every BLOXikin (good luck to me).
Note: If you would like to see how to actually EARN these BLOXikins or find them in the event, please read this post that is a guide for the entire Halloween Event.
BLOXikin #1 Skeleton Builderman
Builderman is the first Admin BLOXikin, which are the major ones in the event. He is the first admin encountered, and looks really nice. His usual BC helmet has been changed to look like a skull, and his clothes are bones. As all the other BLOXikins are, he's pretty cute too. Overall, Builderman is a cute little start to the seemingly endless reign of BLOXikins.
BLOXikins #2-3 Vampire Shedletsky, Bella Vampire Brighteyes
probably some of my least favorite BLOXikins. They are mainly just the regular admin with some vampire fangs. Nothing is really special about them, besides their nice little hoodies or scarves or whatever. These seem to me as the laziest done, as there isn't really anything Halloween-y to them, no cool costumes or such. But hey, they aren't UGLY, just.. meh.
BLOXikin #4 Witch ReeseMcBlox
ReeseMcBlox fits the witch costume nicely (no offence). The large hat and broom along with the dress that resembles this package are great little add-ons to make Reese look like a real witch. Of course, an admin isn't in a costume unless they have parts of their own look in the costume, and the hair, freckles, and glasses look very nice mixed with all of the witch items.
BLOXikin #5 Mummy OstrichSized
OstrichSized is by far my favorite admin so far. He is simply just wrapped up in.. uh.. bandages (is that what mummies call it?).. Anyway, he is wearing a scarf to keep him warm while he's nice and snug in his tomb. His fedora and lens really add to the overall look of it, and sadly, he is not the size of an ostrich (that would probably hurt on your shoulder).
BLOXikin #6 Swamp Monster Jeditkacheff
Well.. Jedit kind of ruins the "OstrichSized is by far my favorite admin so far." Yeah. He's amazing. His hats from his character are normal, but colored green, and look really nice. He has fins coming out of his head, and cool swampy looking legs. He has a nice 6-pack, and is of course, totally green. His eyes resemble snake's eyes, or cat's eyes, and really come together to make an amazing swamp monster.
BLOXikin #7 Grim Reaper Sorcus
Sorcus is deathly amazing. He is dressed as a grim reaper, and looks good. He has a large knife to help ChiefJustus serve up the dead and eat them (or torture them, whatever). His black robes are ripped, and OF COURSE, Sorcus has to have his "Feed Me" symbol on his shirt. So yes, the knife is not a scythe, it's a cutting knife to help feed him.
BLOXikin #8 Black Cat Tarabyte
A cat is a purrrrrfect costume for Tarabyte. Tarabyte's normal hair looks meow-mazing with some cat ears. Beclaws of tarabyte's purrty cat appearance, she also has to have whiskers, a tail, and other black items like a dress, socks, and anything else. All in all, Tarabyte's cat costume is really pawsome mixed with the rest of the BLOXikins.
BLOXikin #9 Zombie StickmasterLuke
StickmasterLuke's BLOXikin is BY FAR my favorite admin one. I'm not sure if it's just because of his ripped dominus, broken antlers, or the fact that he has tons of holes in his body, but hey, it's amazing. He is wearing his normal hats from his ROBLOXian, but they are either ripped or broken. His whole body has tons of holes in it, and then there are some mysterious red eyes lurking beneath the dominus... I wonder who they belong to? Just kidding. They're probably his.
BLOXikin #10 Frankenstein Fusroblox
Fusroblox's BLOXikin is OKAY, I guess. It is pretty much his normal ROBLOXian, but colored green with some stitches and bolts. Like with Shedletsky and Brighteyes, not much detail was put into this one. Also unlike Shedletsky and Brighteyes.. there really isn't much more that could be put into this. The designer did a great job at making it look like Fusroblox, while keeping an undead, stitched together by a mad scientist look.
BLOXikin #11 Werewolf OnlyTwentyCharacters
OnlyTwentyCharacters is in the top 10 admins for coolest design. He is a werewolf, with fur everywhere. His eyes are pointed because he's hungry for flesh and presumably angry. His top hat is the same top hat on his real ROBLOXian. He is also wearing a blue tie to make his werewolf appearance look more.. fancy. So yeah, this BLOXikin is pretty great.
BLOXikin #12 Ghost SolarCrane
SolarCrane as a ghost.. would've expected a crane costume *chuckle*. Anyway, He is wearing his normal ROBLOXian hats, as most of the other admin BLOXikins are. His ghost appearance is pretty much just a bunch of white robes.. really nothing special. I'd prefer a costume like this, but transparent, but hey, it's not that bad.
BLOXikin #13 Devil ChiefJustus
ChiefJustus as a devil looks very good. He is wearing a nice red hoodie, with a fancy little bow tie, along with some grey pants. Of course, all devils have to have an evil face, horns, a tail, and a giant red fork. Nah, it's not a fork, it's something to command his un-dead subjects and pick at the dead to throw them into pools of fire when they misbehave. Anyway, ChiefJustus looks really good, and all in all, it's a great BLOXikin.
BLOXikin #14 Jack-O-Lantern ROBLOXian
Jack-O-Lantern is a cute little kid, who I'm going to name Jack, wearing a jack-o-lantern costume. He has a pumpkin stem and top on his head, while the majority of the jack-o-lantern is on his body. He is the beginning of the trend of many "mini-BLOXikins," as I call them, A.K.A, BLOXikins that aren't of Admins, and just something else.
BLOXikin #15 Pumpkin Girl ROBLOXian
Pumpkin Girl, the female counterpart of Jack-O-Lantern, is a cute girl with a dress that is designed as a pumpkin. She has long hair with a pumpkin looking bow. She is wearing a black shirt with orange shoulders, and of course, a pumpkin dress. Things are made nicely, but really not THAT unique based on the others.
BLOXikin #16 Bat ROBLOXian
As I addressed below, I really don't care that much for these two bat BLOXikins. Bat Boy is much worse than Bat Girl, because there isn't much detail into it. He looks like Bat Girls younger brother or something, as he only has one fang, no hair, smaller ears, barely any "wings," and a hood over his head. Of course, that could all just be for a bat look, but really, this is nothing compared to Bat Girl, and Bat Man.
BLOXikin #17 Bat Girl ROBLOXian
Batgirl looks really good. She has large bat wings, ears, and eyes (I think they're glasses). She has pale skin with two fangs, and a grey dress that really adds to the overall "bat" look. She has brown hair that really has no effect other than to make her look like a girl. So yeah, she is OKAY, I guess, but really not one off the greatest. So yeah, her dad Bat Man is better and would be a better BLOXikin.
BLOXikin #18 Spider ROBLOXian
Spider ROBLOXIAN is amazing. He has a webbed top hat, red eyes, a mouth with fangs, and of course, his greatest attribute, his eight arms with red pincher spike things at the end. He is mainly grey, and has a large web sharp extending throughout his 8 arms. Really, he is one of my favorites, even though I am deathly afraid of spiders.
BLOXikin #19 Spider Girl ROBLOXian
Alike Pumpkin Girl, Spider girl is okay. Her face highly resembles Spider ROBOXian, with the red eyes and fangs. She is wearing a grey dress with a black widow symbol in the middle. She has pale skin and a grayish blackish ponytail. All in all, she is okay, but not as good as her boy counterpart.
BLOXikin #20 Raven ROBLOXian
Raven is a pretty cool BLOXikin. He has a normal head and body like all the others, but has a chicken suit head on, but it's colored black for some reason (oh yeah, it's a Raven). He has wings hanging down from his arms, which looks really cool. From the preview in the BLOXikin menu thing, I thought this would be a Chicken Suit costume (that would be pretty cool), but I guess a Raven works too.
BLOXikin #21 Owl Girl ROBLOXian
I see my review has gotten down to the flying squirrel. Oops, I mean Owl. It really looks like a flying squirrel, though. Anyway, she has Harry Potter glasses and long, red, flowing hair. Like the raven, she has wings coming down from her arms, and a hood on that resembles the animal (though this looks like a flying squirrel more than an Owl, but it'll do.
BLOXikin #22 Cthulhu
Cthulhu is awesome. My favorite thing about this BLOXikin isn't the green tentacles, green wings, swampy legs, 6-pack, or squid shaped head. Oh no. Those aren't my favorite things in this BLOXikin. You may say, "But that's the only part of the BLOXikin!!" No. It's not. The description is the best. It reads, "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtang." Yes. You read that right, it's Sorcus slamming his keyboard, you may think. But really, it means, "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." How do I know? Google of course! Will I explain what it means? No. That's for the caring readers to find out (Or just look below).
BLOXikin #23 Kaiju

Kaiju is a really cool looking BLOXikin. His skin is green, and he has eyes similar to Jedi's, he also has giant claws and a tail with spikes on it. Kaiju pretty much means Godzilla, which is a giant dinosaur. Don't really see why they named this "Kaiju." Why not Godzilla? Or Dinosaur? Or large walking mutant lizard man? I really don't know. But hey - It looks cool, and that's all that really matters.
Kaiju is a really cool looking BLOXikin. His skin is green, and he has eyes similar to Jedi's, he also has giant claws and a tail with spikes on it. Kaiju pretty much means Godzilla, which is a giant dinosaur. Don't really see why they named this "Kaiju." Why not Godzilla? Or Dinosaur? Or large walking mutant lizard man? I really don't know. But hey - It looks cool, and that's all that really matters.
BLOXikin #24 Ooze Monster
Ooze Monster is definitely my favorite non-admin BLOXikin. He is totally purple, but unlike EVERY OTHER BLOXikin, the shapes of his body are totally different. Well, they aren't completely different, but they are all melting and piling up into, well, purple ooze. To sum it up, he is a purple freak made out of ooze who is melting, and his face looks like it was draw on with Sharpie (And that's why we love you, Ooze Monster).
BLOXikin #25 Scarecrow
Scarecrow is by far the cutest BLOXikin. He looks like all the others, but hey, he has hay everywhere. His hair is hay, and well.. hey, what is a Scarecrow without arms with hay sticking out? Of course he has a cute stitched on face, a nice little hat, and some overalls. All in all, Scarecrow is just.. the cutest BLOXikin. Sorry Builderman.
BLOXikin #26 Bride of Frankenstein
Bride of Frankenstein is sadly one of my least favorites (sorry Fusroblox, she's ugly). She's just a BLOXikin wearing a cute white dress with wrapped up arms. Just that isn't really THAT bad, but then we get a little higher up on the body. That hair is just.. no. I know people have bad hair days, but it looks like somebody piled up a bunch of dead cats (sorry Tarabyte) on top of her head. It's just a mess. You miss, need a haircut.
BLOXikin #27 Gargoyle
Gargoyle is really cool. Of course, he doesn't totally look like a gargoyle (I'm not sure a BLOXikin made 100% of stone would look good). So yeah, the Gargoyle is mostly grey, with wings, horns, fangs, claws, and, of course, a stony 6-pack. Gargoyle is probably one of the coolest BLOXikins, mostly because of the wings and horns. So yeah, It's really nice. I wasn't sure that it was possible to see a "cute" gargoyle, but hey, they did it.
BLOXikin #28 Yodalien
An okay BLOXikin, Yoda is. But uh, yeah, this BLOXikin is really nice. It's not JUST Yoda, though based on it due to the name. It's mostly an alien, with a green face, large eyes, and black robes. It's probably one of my top 5 least favorites, but it's still pretty awesome. Yeah, I just said it's one of my least favorites, yet it's still awesome. That's just how good these BLOXikins are.
BLOXikin #29 Hallo-Bot
This robot is just, awesome. Unlike most of the other BLOXikins, this one has a square head and torso, with limbs that look like.. well.. a robot's limbs. The robot has an antenna, claws, and a nice face that really ties things together. Of course, the designer of this just had to complement themselves by putting a rating on the torso of green, yellow, or red (they gave themselves a green rating, as I would too). Well, it's either that or it's just for extra design, but I think we all know the obvious choice here.
BLOXikin #30 Invisible Man
BLOXikin #31 Headless Horseman
Headless Horseman really wraps up (I would've been able to make a nice pun there, but sadly, it's not a mummy) the BLOXikins in a good way. He is very nicely made, though looks a bit less evil than imagined, probably to keep the "cute" look. The body is really nice, with a white scarf, jeans, a belt, and a suit. The pumpkin itself is of course a jack-o-lantern, which really ties things together.
Overall, these BLOXikins are amazing. The good thing is, there's 31 prizes!! The thing is, if you are really dedicated and determined, you will get them all, and hey, most people aren't. So I'm guessing that they will be fairly rare in the end.
Good luck!
Note: "H. P. Lovecraft's initial short story, "The Call of Cthulhu", was published in Weird Tales in 1928 and established the character as a malevolent entity hibernating within an underwater city in the South Pacific called R'lyeh. The imprisoned Cthulhu is apparently the source of constant anxiety for mankind at a subconscious level, and also the subject of worship by a number of human religions (located several places worldwide, including New Zealand, Greenland, Louisiana, and the Chinese mountains) and other Lovecraftian monsters. The short story asserts the premise that, while currently trapped, Cthulhu will eventually return. His worshipers chant "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" ("In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.")" [1]
Overall, these BLOXikins are amazing. The good thing is, there's 31 prizes!! The thing is, if you are really dedicated and determined, you will get them all, and hey, most people aren't. So I'm guessing that they will be fairly rare in the end.
Good luck!
Note: "H. P. Lovecraft's initial short story, "The Call of Cthulhu", was published in Weird Tales in 1928 and established the character as a malevolent entity hibernating within an underwater city in the South Pacific called R'lyeh. The imprisoned Cthulhu is apparently the source of constant anxiety for mankind at a subconscious level, and also the subject of worship by a number of human religions (located several places worldwide, including New Zealand, Greenland, Louisiana, and the Chinese mountains) and other Lovecraftian monsters. The short story asserts the premise that, while currently trapped, Cthulhu will eventually return. His worshipers chant "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" ("In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.")" [1]
Hey pb, great review! Just a note though. Not only will the prizes be rare, but the blog mentioned getting MORE prizes, depending on how many Bloxikins you get!
ReplyDeleteYup! That's why it's great to collect them all!
ReplyDeletethe headless horseman is real in a village called sleepy hollow
ReplyDeleteA Kaiju is a monster from Pacific Rim.
You can't write the rest? It's ok, I'll help.
ReplyDeleteAll good, the prizes afterwards were good, insert slight hate towards specific ones you don't like.
ReplyDeleteNo review for Invisible Man?