The third ROBLOX halloween gift was recently released for 500 R$! It's also the first one to look like a natural gift. Maybe this means that it is in fact normal and not a trick? Who knows. Roblox can be incredibly sneaky. The description uses the phrase "The emperor of I-scream" which may relate it to the popular Darkseed hat. The darkseed's description uses a line from a poem titled "The emperor of Ice Cream" Are these two related? Who knows. Personally, I banjobug think it's a treat and not a trick. But that's entirely up to you.
Link to gift:
It's definitely a treat. They wouldn't make a 500 robux trick. Some people are REALLY poor, and all they have is 500 robux. They wouldn't just do that to them. This is a definite treat. But the bat gift that is only 13 robux is definitely a trick because it's so cheap. It makes sense.