Today I managed to catch up with JohnnyFlight, forumer, investor, and Red Banded Top hat. I got to ask him some questions about his career on ROBLOX, and this is how we got on.
Q 1. When did you first join ROBLOX and what was your first account?
A 1. Most PMs I get are asking about that, I joined in late 2009, my first account was really wealthy til it was left. I will release it's name once the trading system comes out.
Q 2. When did you first start foruming?
A 2. December 2009.
Q 3. What is the rarest Limited item you have ever owned?
A 3. Good question, it's probably Crimson Catseye, I sold it sadly, hopefully I can achieve it back again.
Q 4. What is the most amount of ROBUX/Tickets you have ever spent?
A 4. Probably over 400,000 tickets. To achieve all ticket items on roblox. It took a lot of thanks to the Trade Currency.
Q 5. How many forum posts do you have as of today?
A 5. Over 20,000 counting all my accounts.
Q 6. Which is your main forum to post on?
A 6. Let's make a Deal, It's pretty fun, mostly in the summer when I'm more active,
Q 7. When did you get the "Red Banded Top Hat"?
A 7. I get about 15 PMs a week about this question, probably because it's pretty hard to obtain, I got the tophat SQLed to me by reporting the OBC Theme glitch, its when your OBC runs out, you can keep the theme for as long as you want.
Q 8. How did you manage to attain it?
A 8. I asked John Shedletsky (Telamon) To SQL it for njay.
Q 9. What is your main goal to achieve on ROBLOX?
A 9. Get my hat published, this coming valentines day, I hope for my Heart Cap to be published, Brighteyes and Tarabyte have taken it, Hopefully, it'l be published on this account's veteran date (Valentines Day 2012).
Link to Heart Cap: 10. The toughest question, Pancakes or Waffles?
A 10. Pancakes all the way.
Awesome fact: Johnny also happens to own ALL the ticket hats for sale on ROBLOX. Yep, including the 250k tix Classical Glory. And to top it off, he got them ALL in ONE day too. Now that's something to be proud about. Great job Johnny.
Thanks Johnny for a great interview with great answers! Stayed tuned to ROBLOX News for more interviews.
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