Hey everyone, PeerPants here. I've been off for a week because I've had a few GCSE's and have been really busy revising, but here I am with another place review! Today I am reviewing a game called Choices by GollyGreg, which was featured in the blog, along with an interview of GollyGreg. Choices is a game which uses both 2D and 3D camera views. So how does Choices do? Keep reading to find out!
Place Creator: GollyGreg
Game Last Updated: 3 months ago
When I entered the game, the screen immediately goes black and there is text which asked if I am a man or a woman. I clicked man and the text changed to say 'No, you are a girl'. I am then given the option if I want to play the tutorial. I clicked 'yes', and it told me I do not deserve it, okay.... Anyway, the GUI cleared and I found myself in a 2D level, with my character in the middle of the screen. As soon as I started moving to the right, text popped up saying 'Good girl!'.
I walked to the left a bit, and found my first obstacle, which was some lava I had to jump over, simple. After I jumped over it, I received the 'Good girl' message again. I then had to jump over a cave-type-area which had spikes inside. After a bit more walking, and jumping, another GUI message appeared saying 'Touch the statue, I will forgive you'. I touched the statue, which was basically a 1x5x1 brick, and a meshed statue appeared, which I suppose is a checkpoint. There were a few more jumps over spikes, then the interesting part, my view changed from 2D to 3D.
Here's what GollyGreg said for the blog...
"It took some programming and scripting to make the camera work that way, I created transition points on different parts of the map, so as you continue walking forward the 3D effect begins to sway. It keeps moving on an axis until eventually you can take full 3D control of the camera."
So that's how it works. Anyway, after a few minutes, I managed to find my way out of the cave and into another 2D zone. After a few more insults, and a few more obstacles, I reached the second cave. The second cave was a lot harder than the first, but eventually, I did it!
Anyway, as the game progresses, the obstacles get harder and harder, but once you've got over the original thrill of the game, it starts to wear off and seems to get really repetitive. However, I was kept entertained by the messages popping up every once in a while. Anyway, roundup time.
Gameplay: 7/10
The game was really fun to start off with, and the scripting is amazing, but after the second cave, it seems to wear off and loose it's thrill.
Effort: 9/10
It is obvious that lots of effort has gone into making this game, and this game is one of the first of its kind. The effort would be higher if there were a few more things in the game.
Creativity: 8/10
There are few games like this on ROBLOX, that include both 2D and 3D gameplay to revolutionise the way we see and play games.Overall: 8/10