Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Place Review: [Escape!] Escape School Detention by Robocon6

Place Reviewed: [Escape!] Escape School Detention
Place Creator: Robocon6 [Banned]
Game Last Updated: 1 year ago

This is one of those games that has an appeal to children. If you've ever been in a detention, you would want to get out, right? So people are going to click this game, and try it out, maybe even hoping for some tips on how to escape detention in real life. However, there are thousands of 'Escape School' games that have been made on ROBLOX. Is this game better than the majority of games of this type on ROBLOX, poorly made and rushed? Keep reading to find out!

When I joined the game, the first thing I noticed was how badly scaled the classroom was. Look at how big the desk is compared to me, it is virtually the same size as me, when usually they're up to the waist. I also noticed that the seats, which, as well as the desks, were out of proportion. In addition, the part of the chair that you sit on was hovering above the legs, which shows that the game has been rushed. After completing a few stages, I came to a stage called The Bully. However, where was nothing there, just an empty pit that I had to make my way across, probably the easiest stage in the game.

A few stages on, there was a fan which blew me backwards, but much more effort could have been put into the fan as it was static, which made it look as if it was turned off, but it still pushed me backwards. I was then teleported to a room, which I suppose was meant to be a classroom, I think anyway. Instead the room had no walls, which would get quite cold in winter. However, when I joined the game the next day to finish the review, the walls were there so that was a glitch in the game which needs to be sorted out. After a few minutes, I reached the school canteen. I had to jump from table to table without touching the floor, or else I would fall through the floor, which is really unrealistic.

If you're going to make an escape school game, you could at least do it properly, and as realistic as possible, like finding open windows to jump through, and if the creator is very good, pushing tables and chairs around to form a structure enabling the user to jump out the window. Anyway, I reached the library next, which was basically a maze of blocks with blurry decals on which were supposed to look like shelves with books on. They could have been better made, possibly even using bricks, to make the library more appealing.

After completing the badly made maze, the last thing I had to do was run home. I first had to jump over a gate, which was an obvious free model, and then run through a street with three dogs chasing me, then avoid an angry parent who was trying to kill me, for no obvious reason. I then had to make my way through a forest full of free models, and I finally arrived at the winners area, which was obviously free modeled as it had somebody else's name on the bottom of the swing!

Here's a few building tips if you are building any type of 'Escape _____' game.

  • Make things in scale with the character. Tables should be a maximum of two studs high, chairs one stud and a plate. Try inserting a character, or regularly test the game on play mode to make sure things look good.
  • Try to stand out from the crowd. Make the game exciting, to keep people playing. Try to do things people have never done before, and let the player be more involved in the game, for example shutting down CCTV using a button hidden in a teacher's room.
  • Use free models as little as possible. You'll most likely get lots of hate if you use free models. Try to build, it's much more fun than inserting loads of free models and people will value your game much more.
  • Make the game as realistic as possible. Make use of the materials you have been given. Use the wood material for tables and desks, use the grass material to make the outside look appealing.
  • If you want your game to be popular, save some money and advertise. There are some advertising tips and tricks by Rob498 you can check out, just click here.


Gameplay: 2/10

There was nothing in the game which made the game exciting and fun to play.

Creativity: 1/10

There are thousands of games like this on ROBLOX, and this game doesn't stand out from the crowd.

Effort: 2/10

Every level was poorly made, and they all lacked creativity. Things were poorly scaled, and badly constructed.

Overall: 2/10