Yes, it's another c-frame review, probably the most interesting reviews I actually write, but I have these beautiful games that I love to share to people. This review is all about a c-framed game called "Dirty Waters". First of all, the name already gives me an adrenaline rush - making me think of a plane crash into a bog, don't ask why, because I think I got the idea from a program on 'telly. Even the front cover looks realistic, it looks like an old camera took a photo while the user holding was shaking the camera from fear. Join the dark side.
Now, when I enter the game I have a nice piece of Camera Manipulation which was programmed by the 2nd creator, Zinc707, our Project Coder. And the game was created by LOLFUNNY12345, our Project Builder. The grass is very thin, and gives off a wonderful effect in conjunction with the wonderful brown fog.
This game is rather small, but easy to identify the wonders that lie within it. When I stepped foot on the ground on which the house stands on, I knew that this was the high-quality engineering that we do not normally see in genuine ROBLOXian games, and it was clear that LOLFUNNY12345 is a rather good builder and c-framer. The game features somethings that I just cannot get over, one is the way the ground just settles in the calm "dirty" waters.
The fog and sky are very right to me, because I remembered while playing this game, the sea is only "blue" because the sky reflects on it, so, the water is only brown because the dense fog and cloudy skies reflect on the dirty water.
I once met LOLFUNNY12345 on a game, before anybody else in the Roblox News team, I became friends with him and showed Zinc707 his work. Slowly the two both became good friends and realized they both had something in common: they are both amazing game developers. They decided to start working on games together, and they created this masterpiece.
Overall this game is a small addition to ROBLOX that could create a new starting point for future builders, and that is, inspiration. Don't give up if you don't think you can create a game as good as this. ROBLOX is a game engine in which everything is possible. Anything is possible, remember, "size matters not.."-Yoda. And that statement so far is true to everyone. Remember your place, and make a game as good as this, even if it's very small, it makes a great difference of persuasion.
Thanks for reading.