Joining NonstopEpic - our ever diligent Catalog Manager, are: Axelthehedgehog - a well known Forumer with huge amounts of experience in investment of virtual items in ROBLOX, and Pajke - a well known investor in Let's Make a Deal who will bring his business sense into his articles. A Catalog Analyst on Roblox News is both a varied and flexible role. Put basically: it involves the reviewing of items found within the ROBLOX Catalog. These reviews range from simple hat reviews, to package reviews and to more complex gear reviews in which the abilities and powers of the items are taken into account. However, it also a Catalog Analyst's role to include any investment advice or opportunities in their posts. Reading Limited item reviews will give you in-depth information and predictions on the success of the item on the ROBLOX market and whether you should invest your hard earned Robux in it.
Axel displayed raw talent with the sample article he included with his application. It was completed to a high standard and was incredibly detailed. He is quick to spot the small details on an item and give an intelligent opinion on them. Axel is an excllent addition to the Roblox News team and I will be looking forward to reading his articles in the near future! If you have any requests for items Axel should review; please shoot him a private message.
Pajke's sample article impressed me greatly. He has a refreshingly brilliant writing style which flows with every sentence. It was of very high standard and told me everything I needed to know about the item in question. With his attention to detail; it is clear to me that Pajke brings a excellent skillset to the Roblox News team and I am looking forward to reading his articles in the near future. Again, if you have any requests for items Pajke should review; please shoot him a private message.
Congratulations once again to all four of our new employees. I would like to thank everyone who sent us an application and apologise for not being able to reply to every single application. They were all great and I look forward to seeing more in the future.
I am looking to add more individuals to the Roblox News team by the New Year (2013), so if you're interested in gaming journalism and have a flare for reviewing, graphic design or real time events; keep your eyes peeled for openings!
Editor of Roblox News
Good job guys! Congratz on your hiring :3