Without further ado, here are the three winners of this year's egg contest!
1st Place - UFO Egg by 4Sci
This design was chosen on both its design and concept merits. Whilst it has a sold design with attractive appearance, it was really the concept with the UFO above the egg (which looks like an alien abduction ray) that made us choose this retexture. Development has already started on this egg, and whilst it may look a little different to those with a keen eye in-game I think you'll see the likeness between its execution and the original design's concept.
So there we have it. Our three winners to this year's contest! However, if your entry was not in this list, don't lose hope; we have a number of awesome runners-up that may still feature in our annual egg hunt. Check them out below!
Overseer's Egg by Coinfull
This is a beautiful concept with an excellently executed texture utilising the iEgg mesh. This is our favourite iteration of the Overseer's Egg (there are currently five versions created by the retexturer - this is the third version). The idea of putting the Oveerseer's Eye in the circular area was great and looks extremely attractive to the human eye. The green texture colours are perfect for the Overseer overarching theme and the continuation of the mesh-like (hexagons) background texture was a good move.
We absolutely love the texture featured on this egg entry! Utilising the basic egg mesh so effectively yet producing such a detailed and enthralling texture is surely a work of art. The colours couldn't have been any more suitable, reminding me of a wallpaper found in an extravagant individual's household. Another great design by Coinfull; we have some very interesting ideas as to how this egg could feature in our egg hunt.
Sparkle Time Fabergé by IndexFiles
You may recognise IndexFiles as being the individual who created the the Red Ruby Sparkle Time Faberge that featured in the Official ROBLOX Egg Hunt 2014. Before he created the ruby egg, he produced an original Sparkle Time Fabergé aimed at capturing likeness to the original Sparkle Time Fedora. The colour is quite close, but I particularly like the texture that features on this design, even if it is slightly different from the original Sparkle Time texture. We will likely find a use for this particularly fabulous Fabergé design; so look out for it at a later date!
Those are our main runners-up for winning spots. We do of course have some other noteworthy designs that may also feature in the hunt at a later stage once things are well-under way. This is no guarantee but if the hunt is particularly successful we will consider including some from this list!
Starry Egg of the Midnight Sky by chris12902
Egg Noodles by 4Sci
Classic Egg of Jack O' Bandit by BMWrcks01
Egg of 8-Bit Love by VilleSlay
Polka Dot Egg by Coinfull
If these eggs are not used this year, they will be considered for use in our Easter project next year! You may be wondering: why have we featured so many eggs in this supposed contest 'WINNER' blogpost? To be truthful the answer is simple; there are so many great designs among this year's contest entries that we simply had to add them to our list of favourites. All have a chance of of being featured in our hunt and the top three are guaranteed a place on our badge list.
I hope this inspires even greater entries in our next retexturing contest and I greatly look forward to the egg designs we see next year.
Thanks for reading!
Editor of Roblox News
Dat Overseer Egg though.
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