Battlefield is an amazing FPS, it includes many different guns that you can choose and customize with multiple attachments and camos, each gun allows you to have two attachments, plus a third one with a special perk. The classes you have also include perks, you are also limited to two perks, that is a great limit, not too much not too little. The game has recoil and hit-markers. Hit-mark always gives a great effect and tells you when you have hit a player.
Battlefield cycles through many different maps, and DeadzoneZackZak has allowed the public to submit one of their maps to him and perhaps if it's good enough to be used in Battlefield, I think that is a great thing DeadzoneZackZak has done. The public love to get involved.
Although the game is in Alpha, it is very intense and fun, I love hiding round corners and camping, each gun has an accurate aim and shoot. I love how I can aim and have the exact same scope as I do on normal Call of Duty, Battlefield feels like the Call of Duty style.
Once you die on Battlefield you respawn with your camera circling your gun, with a billboard gui allowing you to change your guns attachments and camo. This is a very good addition ZackZak has done, it just gives a better effect to the game. This game is a big step from Deadzone's previous game, Deadzone, and it's pretty epic too.
I have played it many times and even bought a game pass for it. There are many attachments and ZackZak is a very public person, therefore what the people suggest countless times is usually added. Battlefield is also well moderated, earlier Cameron Stickley and I were playing Battlefield and there was somebody claiming to be a moderator, blatantly spelling moderating wrong by saying "modify", and a moderator, Philcutie, told ZackZak the player's name and got them banned for impersonation. I believe that is great moderation.
Battlefield is my favourite FPS because it is a perfect aim-down sights. It also has a brilliant use of Dynamic Lighting and the Lens flare that the game contains is blocky but very, very effective, ZackZak managed to keep the same style of gameplay, he managed to keep the game realistic but at the same time standard ROBLOX (blocky).
Scripting: 10/10
Excellent scripting, definitely one of my favourite scripters.
Building: 7/10
Although many of the buildings are made by the public, they are all at a good standard.
Tools: 10/10
Excellent aiming and excellent guns.
Overall: 8/10
Great job, I love games like this, it's definitely a long-time favourite, just like Sword Fighting Tournament.
Thanks for reading,
Very Interesting