I caught up with the forumer: jeffburton31 earlier for an interview, check it out!
1) When did you join ROBLOX? What were your first impressions?
-October 5th 2009. I liked the site because of the games, but then I decided to forum.
2) What part of the game stood out to you the most?
-Probably the fact that many people I meet were really nice.
3) What was the first game you visited? Did you enjoy it?
-Bew7874 Zombie Defence. I loved it, then the mods deleted it :P
4) What is your favourite type of place on ROBLOX? Why?
-Sword fighting. I love the challange.
5) Do you have a favourite place? Why is it your favourite?
-See answer 3)
6) When did you start foruming?
-2012. I have over 13k posts in my accounts put together though :)
7) Which forum do you usually post to? Why?
-LMaD and RT. RT- Full of funny stuff LMaD- To make money
8) If you were CEO of ROBLOX for the day, what would you do?
-Return money to thoese who lost it in scams. And SQL me the items I lost in the April First hack plus what I lost in scams.
9) What is your favourite item in the catalog?
-Euro 180. I love the design! I had the hat but lost it in a scam.
10) And finally, mango or pineappe?
-Mango FTW
Cool :)