The current thumbnail of the game. |
Congrats to YewJoeChai for being the closest to the total! |
All funny business put aside, this has to be the most awful game I have ever played. I haven't even covered the tools in your inventory yet. The 7 are all free modeled, and don't even try the Dance tool.
Tool 1: Super Gravity Coil
Jumping with the coil equipped just sends you flying, and unless you actually un-equip it, you'll be sent flying in to space.
Tool 2: Fly
I've got nothing to say about this one besides that its free modeled. I mean, it works, but that's it.
Tool 3: Teleport
Free modeled, plus you can use it to get in to the admin room. All that's in there is a few morphs, anyways.
Tool 4: Backflip
You know, there's nothing like doing free modeled backflips while driving free modeled cars around a free modeled racetrack.
Tool 5: Frontflip
Spam it enough and your character will break.
Tool 6: Dance
Don't even try to equip this one. It teleports you to a seperate baseplate before you fall to your death. I'm not a scripter, but I don't even know how that's possible that a free model screwed up that bad.
Tool 7: Guitar
All it is? A crappy silver colored guitar that plays a note when you click.
Building: 1/10
The only thing built by the creator was the floor and walls of the pink building
Scripting: 0/10
Scripting? What scripting?
Overall: 0.5/10
I'll finish off my post by saying: Don't. Play. This. I know a lot of people think, "Oh, this game looks so awful! I'll play it to laugh at it!". All that does is earn the owner more money for nothing.
(Shadowing Zakary99)