Sunday, August 11, 2013

Elvinusa: Roblox News Intern Biography

My name is Elvinusa (shadowing PeerPants).

I could go on and on about the different wars I have been in or the situations I have had to face, but that wouldn’t be logical. A friend or a commercial didn’t invite me, but it's only luck I came to ROBLOX. I was invited by the very blog of which I am writing on.

It’s amazing how a little Internet surfing got me here. To a new realm of unexplored land and dreams. Maybe it was fate or me being lazy. Anyway, I am glad I clicked the second link to ROBLOX, and I would never regret that decision.

Some things you 'ought to know. I am a huge fan of Jazz-Pop. I absolutely love sunny mornings. Most days I skip breakfast. I have been to 13 countries. Math is my best subject and always will. I’m 12 going to 13 in January and moving to 7th grade as well. From the 7th ill be taking all honors courses with a 9th grade geometry course complied with Trigonometry.

Enough of my seemingly nerdy and humble life. Lets move to ROBLOX. My favorite game of all time is Clockworks Sword fighting Arena. Its not well known but its intricately designed structure works so well while sword fighting. I don’t have a particular preference to games but I absolutely despise games that involve jumping down a 1 Million storied building, and jumping into SpongeBob’s mouth. These types of games don’t deserve recognition unless they are actually somehow pleasing. A special interest I have is examining Clan bases and training, its somehow entertaining and quite fun. I enjoy many of those ROBLOX classics like The Underground war as it relieves my stress. Just like my handy dandy chocolate bar. I have an obsession with my quest to find the perfect group. The closest I have found to that is The Raven Empire, but I quit a rebel.

When I complete my internship I wish to pursue List articles and Place reviews, as a specialty and hopefully one day become a mentor to my own interns!

My passion for War groups was used up when I helped a 20-member group rise to 100. Fall, Reform, and fall again. That was the last time I vowed to be committed to war groups as my main source of work. I found joy in reading articles from here and decided to join RN for the thrill and to fill my desire for writing. My passion came from my communications work I did in my clans.

I hope to make wonderful work come out form my time here and I know that my time as an intern will be a good one.

Thank You,

Lets all give a warm RN welcome to Elvinusa