Image courtesy of ROBLOX |
Hello! Pbjms here with a new type of article, Gear Friday Overviews. Most Fridays, ROBLOX releases four gears in the afternoon, some possibly limited. I'm going to start writing these weekly (most likely every Saturday if I can), so don't expect much hat reviews from me unless the gears are awful. This Friday, ROBLOX released two limiteds and two nonlimiteds; Overseer's Axe, Knights of the Splintered Sky: Wind Summoning Horn, Korblox Mage Staff, and Knights of Redcliff: Deluxe Sword and Shield.
Mesh: The axe looks nice, a long handel with a large blade. Of course, being an Overseer's Axe, it needs to have all of the eyes on it, so that's added to the mesh too. All in all, it looks great, and deserves a 10/10.
Texture: The texture really adds to the look of the axe. It is colored black with a stoney texture, with of course, the large green colored Overseer eyes. Green outlines on parts of it also add nicely to the overall Overseer theme, earning itself a 9/10.
Price: Overseer's Axe was made as a limited U item at 550 Robux with 1000 in stock. It's price is nice, but it's stock, like most limiteds these days, is too much. It's stock should have been a lot lower, but it's still making profit - selling at about 1,300 Robux at the time of review. It was a bit overstocked at first, but is making a nice profit, earning itself a 9/10.
Ability: This axe is very powerful - dealing 25 hit points of damage each swing to your foe. Afterwards, an orb will also assist you in battle, it flies around your foe shooting lasers for 5 seconds, dealing a nice amount of damage, possibly earning you an extra KO. 10/10 for sure.
Overall: 9/10
Mesh: The mesh looks great. It's a horn with wings, pretty much. on the horn is an end part with a ring around it, most likely where the sound comes out. This really looks like a nice horn, and has wings to add to the Splintered Skies look. 9/10 for sure.
Texture: The texture is also very nice. The horn itself is blue with cyan symbols, and the rings and wings have a silvery look to them. The wings could have been more fluffy-looking, but besides that, the texture is nice, earning a 8.5/10.
Price: This horn was made as a Limited U, priced at 1,000 Robux with 750 in stock.The stock is a bit better than the Overseer's Axe, but this price is way too much, as the ability isn't anything special. Surprisingly, it actually rose to make barely any profit, currently selling for around 1,500 Robux, sadly earning an 8/10.
Ability: The ability is really nothing special, preforming pretty much the same thing as the
Tornado Summoner, minus the cool looking tornadoes. When you blow into the horn, multiple tornadoes (which are pretty much large transparent columns) spawn in front of you, slowly moving forward. The "tornadoes" don't do any damage - they just fling things around and break welds, which will end up making your enemies character fall apart and die (but not your own). It's really poorly made, and deserves more for its great looks - sadly I can only give this a 7/10.
Overall: 8/10
Mesh: Like most Korblox items, this mesh is amazing. It's a staff made of bones, pretty much. There is also a crystal in the middle of the top part, most likely the source of the flames and magic. It looks great, probably the best looking gear of the night - 10/10 for sure.
Texture: The texture just makes the mesh even better. It is a mostly black staff, with cyan writing on it, possibly magical spells in the korblox language. There is a silver grip to hold the top part together, along with cyan fire coming out of the crystal at the top. It looks great, earning a 10/10.
Price: It is priced at 1,000 Robux, a bit too much but not bad for it's great texture, mesh, and ability. It was published as a nonlimited item, and has about 130 sales at the time of writing this. I'm giving it an 8.5/10 for being a bit too overpriced.
Ability: On click, your character does some summoning animation. it summons a long row of staffs in front of you that will soon explode into fire, killing your foes instantly. 10/10 for sure.
Overall: 9.5/10
Mesh: The mesh looks great, a normal sword with the redcliff symbol on the handle. The great part about this sword is the shield, which is pretty much a large redcliff symbol on a shield, 10/10.
Texture: The sword and shield is really nicely textured, the sword is shiny, and the redcliff symbol on it looks nice with the shadows. The shield also looks great, with lots of texture. Defiantly worthy of a 9/10 .
Price: The sword is, sadly overpriced - 1,000 Robux. It should be much lower, as there are already tons of gears with this same ability. It should probably be about 500 - 700 Robux. Giving the price a 8/10.
Ability: The ability of this sword is amazing. To start, you just have a normal sword and shield combo, with the shield doing nothing and you just normally swinging the sword. When you hold down Q, you hold out the shield for extra defense, though you can't attack. When you double click, you start charging up for a special attack. Your sword and shield shines rainbow colors, and you get a boost of walkspeed - charging around swinging the sword quickly, most likely killing any foe in your path. One downfall is that you can't move while charging, and another is that there are already multiple gears exactly like this - bringing the score down to 8/10.
Overall: 9/10
Best Gear - Korblox Mage Staff
Most Profit - Overseer's Axe
Most Power - Knights of Redcliff: Deluxe Sword and Shield Set
Overall Rating - 9/10